Chapter 3: Tangled up in blue

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Chapter 3: Tangled up in blue

Hayley sat on the floor, next to an open chest that was full of Elijah's belongs and an open book in her lap, that book turned out to be Elijah's journal from all the centuries writing of his siblings and their developed habits.

August 1359

I have noticed a difference in my siblings.

Our bonds strain beneath the pressure of our life as vampires,

Each day removes them further from the humanity we once possessed.

My sweet sister Rebekah has grown quite indifferent to brutality.

However, the true problem remains my brother Niklaus.

He continues to hide his loneliness with cruelty,

Without the pressure of Serena close by him.

I have grown fearful for him.

Still, I cling to the hope that I, as their eldest brother,

can lead them down the correct path.

A path charged with the power of a family united.

For if I fail, our family's legacy will end in Darkness...

Hayley looks at the last word of the entry then looks up at Serena, who was sitting in the chair, leaning against her hand. "It must have been hard for you, seeing them become like this," she states. Serena looks at her and sighs as she leans against her hand. "I would constitutionally scream at them to hear me. Begging them to stop, to end the violence, but no one would listen," she states.

Hayley then leans her arms against the book. "I got through to Nik once, when elite, cursed hunters were after them, almost killed me. But, I haven't gotten through to them since until I woke up from my slumber," she informs her. Then Hayley bites her lip. "What was it like, on the other side?" she asks her, Serena looks at her for a moment then looks away. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have asked." Hayley apologies to her. "Dark," Serena mutters, Hayley closes her mouth and listens. "Cold. Lonely. You wander for a long time, screaming for someone to hear you, see you. But you're just pressed up against a glass wall, you're banging your hands against the glass, hoping for someone to hear you. But no one listens to your screams." Serena mutters as a tear slides down her cheek.

Serena then wipes it away, exhales shakily then places her hand on her belly that was rough under her touch. Hayley stood up, walks over to her and places her hand on her shoulder, Serena smiles up at her and places her hand on top of hers.


Eric leans against the door frame, a bottle of bourbon, hanging from his hand, Klaus leaning against the other door frame as Rebekah was looking down at the burnt pile of bodies out front. "I can't believe you dispose of those vampires without me," she states then turns and looks at her brother. "You know I love to set things on fire," she states with a smirk. Eric just rolls his eyes at her then pushes off the frame and places the bottle down. "Was I suppose to leave them in the front yard to rot?" Klaus questions her.

Eric rolls his eyes and turns to him. "Besides, they were my responsibility. They attack a helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child." he states with a smirk and Eric chuckles as Rebekah smirks "Pregnant, yes. Helpless, not by a long shot." Eric reminds him. "But I am so moved by your newfound sense of fatherly duty towards the sorceress that's carrying your hybrid bun in the oven and the werewolf that is linked to her," Rebekah states in a mock touched tone. Klaus chuckles at little as Eric smirks.

Then Serena walks into the room with her arms crossed. Making everyone look at her, "The sorceress with the hybrid bun in her oven would very much like to know what plan you all are cooking up." she asks them. "Well, that depends what plan you mean, luv--" Klaus calls out and she looks at him, "My plan for global domination, Eric's plan for a witch purge in the Quarter, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world." Klaus states as he looks over at the two, Rebekah smirks at him, then vamps-speeds at a brush and threw it at him.

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