Chapter 22: From a Cradle to a Grave

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Chapter 22: From a Cradle to a Grave

In the Compound, Serena sat in the rocking chair in the nursery room, with a clipboard in her lap as he was writing a letter, humming her tune to herself. Hayley somehow convinced her to write a letter just encase. She smiles, thinking how silly it was. But she likes how silly it was.

She taps the pen against the paper as she rubs her belly "Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors?" Klaus questions her. She looks up at him, seeing him lean against the frame with his arms crossed and the look of jealousy in his eyes. She just frowns at him. "So who's the lucky recipient then-- Jackson? Oliver? Elijah?" he questions. Making her roll her eyes at him. "Don't tell me it's me." he jokes, making her giggle. "I thought I wasn't a runner for ages." he went on, making her laugh. "And the award for the biggest ego goes the hybrid himself," she said, pointing at him.

He just chuckles at her as she turns her attention back to the letter. "But no, this isn't for Jackson or Oliver or Elijah for that matter," she states as she wrote down a few words. "It's for someone special. Someone I can't wait to meet," she informs him, then gasp in pain, gripping her belly as she felt the baby kick. Klaus straightens himself out and steps closer towards her as she exhales and smiles. "How is the young pup doing?" he asks her, but she looks at him and saw that look as he was eyeing her belly. "He's strong, like his father," she states.

This makes him smile and look away, "He's kicking." she states, making him look back at her. "Want to feel?" she asks, he looks at her in surprise, but she smiles at him, making him smile back. "It's alright, I won't bite." she jokes holding her hand out to him, this makes him relax.

Then he places his hand in her, he kneels down and she gently places his hand on her belly. "Now wait," she states as they both waited. Then Klaus gasps in shock as he felt his son kick. She smiles at him as he held the look of wonder in his eyes "See?" she states and he looks at her, "Strong like his father." she jokes and they both laugh. But then Klaus stops and frowns as he looks down at their hands. Then he remembers what he's done and wipes the look of wonder from his eyes. "Right," he states, pulling his hand away. It slips from her hand as she looks at him and he stood up. "I'll leave you to your secret letter then," he tells her and walks away. She exhales as he put his walls up again.

It irritated her when he did that, but she let it for today as she turns back to the letter and finally wrote down the words she wanted to say.

To my darling son,

Your father just asked me if I was writing a love letter to an unlucky suitor. Given the life I've led, I would count any man who falls for me unlucky.

But I guess this letter is a love letter, but not that kind of love. I never meet my mother before and I was scared to become a mother. I once asked your uncle Eric about her, but he always smiles and said "She loved us dearly as if were the world's most precious gems." sweet metaphor, huh?

But as you are growling inside of me and your sister growling inside of Hayley, I grow more anxious to meet you both, and Hayley actually convinced me to write this letter to you, if we ever are separated from one another before you could even know me.

Know that I love you so much, know that I fought for you, know that I sang you to sleep, know that I protected you. You and your sister have given me something that I lost a long time ago. A chance to change, to become better, to heal from my old festering wounds. You both gave me hope after I lost it.

Your father, Hayley and I can't wait for the day we can finally meet you, he is more anxious than I and Hayley combined. He may not show it from time to time, but growling up with a father who hated him and a mother who turned her back on him.

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