Chapter 6: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

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Chapter 6: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

Morning was calm and quiet as soft music was playing, Elijah was reading his mother's Grimoire, Klaus reading a poetry book as Eric was reading one of the books Shakespeare himself gave him once.

All of them sitting down in the living room, as there was a dead girl on the coffee table. Klaus shot a look over at Elijah as he just turns a page, making him smirk and look back down at his book. Then Rebekah walks into the room, looking down at all three of them, seeing all were reading. Not one word was spoken nor anything was broken. "This is what you do the first time we're back together as a family, vampire book-club?" she questions them. "Remember Rebekah, not all of us is a vampire." Eric reminds her. "And besides, reading edifies the mind, sister. isn't that right, Elijah." Klaus states and looks over at his brother.

Eric flips the page and continues to read "Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus." Elijah answers him as Rebekah then looks down at the dead body "And what's this business?" she questions them, "This is a peace offering." Elijah answers her. "I presumed after so much time desiccating in a coffin that my big brother might be a bit peckish," Klaus informs her, smiling at his brother. "And who was it that put him there in the first place, Nik?" Eric questions him, Klaus smirks his way. "So I explain to my little brother that forgiveness cannot be bought, I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth." Elijah reminds him.

Klaus sighs to himself as Eric smirks and looks back at the dead body on the table, "Not this nonsense." he states, "Well, I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?" Klaus states as he smirks at him, Elijah just shot a glare at him, "Well, I case you've forgotten, your forgiveness gift is staining the carpet which I believe is 200 years old." Eric states and they look over and saw the blood oozing down onto the carpet. Rebekah frowns at the both of them. "Well, I'll just go and fetch the rubber and bin then," she states and walks off. "Oh yes," Elijah mutters, Eric smirks at him and continues to read his book. Then Klaus looks back at Elijah as he continues to read and then Klaus frowns at him.

But then Elijah and Eric look up, Klaus looks over his shoulder and they saw Hayley walks into the kitchen still in her PJs, then Serena steps out, in her short nightgown, humming a tune to herself, her hand on her belly as it has gotten bigger. The two exchanges look as Klaus glares at both of them.

Then Elijah stood up, Eric standing up as well, he places his book back on the shelve as Elijah walks past Klaus and places the Grimore on the furniture, then walks into the kitchen as Eric followed after him. Hayley sat at the Island with an empty bowl on the table, thinking that they had no milk, as Serena humming her tone as she was raiding the fridge due to her cravings from pregnancy. Eric walks past Elijah who was leaning against the door frame. "Good Morning." Elijah calls out and the two look at him, Serena shot a look over at Hayley, smirks and looks away "Hey." Hayley answers as she smiles at Elijah. Eric then steps up behind Serena and kisses her temple. "Morning sis," he whispers to her.

Making her smile at him, "Good morning." she mutters back at him, then Rebekah opens the double doors, making Hayley look at her. "Listen, I know, Serena, Eric and I are the only ones in this house that drink milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?" Hayley questions her as Eric directs Serena and sat her down on one of the stools "Speaking of, add bleach." Rebekah agrees as she walks past them. Then Eric turns back to the fridge and searches for the milk as Elijah gathers the cereal and another bowl. "You know I do hope my siblings, Serena and Eric were hospitable towards you and my absence as you Serena were well taken care of." Elijah states.

The two girls then exchanged looks with each other. "In your absence-as you like to call it, which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart." Hayley states as she leans on her hand, Elijah walks over to them, seeing the bowl and cereal down. "Where to start off is, mistaken for a wolf, attack by Marcel's nightwalkers, Hayley has strong complained about the secret dungeon that is currently under this house that had coffins stored in them and to top it all off, I was attacked by witches because someone convinced them that I am carrying Satan himself inside my womb, but I've checked and neither of my babies has any evil intent of slaughtering," Serena informs him.

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