Chapter 16: Farewell to Storyville

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Chapter 16: Farewell to Storyville

1,000 years ago...

Little Rebekah lays in her bed, whimpering from the thunderstorm outside their hovel, her whimpers woke Klaus from his rest. He saw the fear in her eyes then pushes his covers off and slides over to her. "Hush now. It's just a storm," he whispers to her. "Don't be afraid. I won't let it hurt you," he assures her as she looks up at him, claiming down just by the sound of his voice.

Then he pulls away from her, "Nik, don't go." she calls out, but he reaches into a basket and pulls out a little carved wooden knight and he slides back towards her and offers the carving to her. "I carved it for father. It's a brave knight. Now you can be brave too." he tells her as she looks at the carving then smiles up at him "Will you stay with me till the storm ends?" she asks him and he took her hand. "I will always stay with you, Rebekah, no matter what," he promises her. She smiles and grips his hand.


"Rebekah!!" Klaus calls out and the blood vanishes from Rebekah's eyes. Then Elijah steps forward. "Walk away," he orders her. "Don't move!" Klaus calls out to her. "Leave us now," Elijah tells her. "I can't. I'm stuck here," she states then Klaus held his weapon out. "Elijah, he has a white oak stake," she states with a little fear in her voice. "I brought it for you, sister," Klaus states as he steps closer towards her. "Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now." he orders, turning to her.

Then Rebekah vamps away, Klaus' eyes watch her leave, going to chase her, but Elijah steps in his path, Papa Tunde's blade at the ready. "Now, I'm asking you brother to brother, we end this nonsense now." he informs her "You would side with that traitor?" Klaus questions him "I am no choosing sides, but I will not allow you to hurt our sister." Elijah states, Klaus, steps away from him and held his arms out. "We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah." he states, stepping away then turns back to him, "How long do you think you can defend her?" he questions.

Then vamps away, but Elijah then beat him to the other side of the tombs and stood ready for Klaus, who just glares at him. "As long as it takes... by whatever means necessary."


Morning rose and Rebekah hid in one of the crypts, on the phone with Marcel "Do whatever it takes. Just stay alive." he informs her. She exhales. "I've never seen him like this before. He's out of his mind with rage, up all night howling one obscenity-laced tirade after the next," she states as she looks over at her brothers.

Elijah stood in the way as Klaus was pacing with rage. "He's gonna kill me," she states with the facts. "All right. Stay as far away from him as you can." he informs her, she sighs and walks into the crypt "That's a brilliant strategy, but, given that the dead bitch Celeste has trapped us in here till moonrise, my options are somewhat limited." she reminds him. "I'm not leaving you in there. Davina will find a loophole, get you out early. Then we can all go together. If Klaus comes after us, we will take him on one hell of a ride." he promises her.

But Rebekah just sighs to herself "I lived for centuries looking over my shoulder, ready to run at a moment's notice. Am I to go back to that?" she questions him. "Worry about that later. Right now, just buy me some time. I promise you, I'll get you out of there." he swore then hung up. Rebekah sighs and hung up as well and looks outside the crypt.


Elijah stood in front of his brother, who was fuming with rage. "You've been at this for hours to what end? He questions his younger brother then he took a step closer. "Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded." he states and held his arms out "You cannot get past me." he warns him. "I could get past you, although it might have to be over your dead body." Klaus reports and Elijah just looks at him.

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