Chapter 8: The River in Reverse

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Chapter 8: The River in Reverse

Serena exhales as she woke from her slumber, but frowns as she was restless, she felt bad for leaving Hayley and Elijah out in the bayou and Elijah having a werewolf bite, so chances are, he was going to try and hurt her.

She then sat up and leans back against the bedframe, then her door opens, she looks up and saw Eric with a tray of breakfast. She smiles up at him, "Hi." she mutters. He smiles at her, "Morning sis." he said back and sets the tray in front of her. "I thought you might wanna have breakfast in bed today." he states, she smiles at him, "Thank you," she said, then looks at her stand, grabbing hold of the hair-tie, pulling her hair back and into a bun, then took the fork and dug in.

Eric sat down on the side of the bed and watches as Serena scruffs down her meal, he smirks to himself. "Can you eat that any faster?" he questions her stops sipping her drink and looks at him, then pulls her drink away and sets it down. "I can if I wanted to," she answers, making him chuckle at her. She smiles, but only for a moment, then looks away. Eric notices her frown and scoots closer, "What's wrong?" he asks her, she sighs and looks back at him. "I feel bad about leaving them, Elijah and Hayley out there in the Bayou," she states, he sighs, nodding at her. "I know, but they need to remember one thing about you, Serena." he states, gently grabbing a hold of her chin, "No one can control you, not even Nik. And no one controls the fate of your children." he states.

She smiles at him, thankful for his words of encouragement, he smiles at her, pulling his hand away. "Do you want to do see them?" he asks, she hesitated for a moment. But then nods at him. "Alright, we'll have to wait for Nik to leave to take care of whatever he's doing," he states and she nods at him. "Now finish up your breakfast," he tells her, she smiles, nodding and went back to eating her breakfast. Eric smiles at her, then listens as he heard Rebekah leave. Then he looks back at Serena "I gotta go, I need to take care of something." he informs her, standing up from the bed. She nods at him, waving bye. He smiles back at her and walks out of the room.

Then his smile falls into a frown, eyes glowing golden red as he was marching down the hall and went right for the front door.


Tyler was sitting in front of the vampires in their little night-club, about the abilities of a hybrid the ups and downs of their powers. "And as long as these babies aren't born, we still have a chance to end Klaus rein before it begins," he informs them, the vampires exchanged looks as they were skeptical about this plan.

But then the door was then kicked in, this gets everyone's attention, "Yes, the children are abominations that need to be put down." Eric calls out as he strolls into the club. Tyler became stiff as he looks up at the sorcerer. And the said sorcerer smirks down at him. "Hello Tyler," he said with a smirk. "Eric," Tyler mutters as he stood up. "I would offer around two but, seeing how you plan to slaughter my sister's children. I need to put you in timeout for the time," he states, then raised his hand and with the flick of his wrist, Tyler's neck snaps and he drops.

Everyone shot to their feet and look at Eric as he strolls past them and plops down onto the chair and leans back into it like a king. "Hey, witch!" one of the vampires call out and Eric shot a glare at him. "Magic's not allowed in the quarter." he snaps, his eyes pulsing. Eric just glares at him, his eye twitching. "Okay one, how dare you?" Eric snaps, they just look at him. "You dare accuse me of being a witch and you considered joining a pup in his revolt in killing an innocent. Not one but two children that have no choice in the matter of what they are," he growls and the vamp stops in his track and looks at Eric in shock. "Don't you dare mistake me for a monster," he growls then flicks his two fingers and sent the vampire flying to the side and he slams into the wall.

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