Chapter 13: Crescent City

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Chapter 13: Crescent City

Marcel, Klaus, and Eric were sitting in the church, as the humans were gathered inside the church. Announcing how overjoyed he was of the reopening of Saint Ann's church and the first public service. Camille shot a look at Eric as he was sitting next to her.

He looks at her and bows his head a little, she smirks and looks back at her uncle, but then Eric looks over his shoulder at the red-headed witch at sat not fare behind him and he shot a look over at Marcel as he notices this witch.

Eric notices the strained tone of the word benefactors, making Klaus smirk to himself but then Eric could sense another witch enter the church and glare at Kieran with hate in her eyes, he needs to confront these witches, but not while the people were here or Kieran for that matter. He then leans in close to Camille "There are two witches here." he warns her.

She shot a surprised look at him and went to look around. "No. Don't we can't alert them we know," he whispers and he looks at Kieran. "I need you to distract your uncle, get him far from the church while I interrogate these witches," he informs her. "What if he won't go?" she asks him, "Then tell him why he must." he states and she nods at him as everyone said 'Amen.'


Once everyone was out of the church. The two witches were then grabbed and pulls out through the back and thrown against the wall. "You two are supposed to be dead," she states and they looked at him. "Arrogant vampire." Bastinva snaps and both her the Genevieve shot their hand shout at him.

Eric still just stood there with his hands crossed at them "Are you done? Is it out of your system?" he asks and they two looked at him in shock. "How is this possible?" Genevieve asks and he smirks at them, "Wouldn't you like to know." he states then grips them by their throats and lifted them up and slams them against the wall. "Now tell me, what are two dead witches doing around here?" he questions them, neither said nothing. He just sighs at them "Let me guess. Revenge." he states and looks at Genevieve "You want to get back at Rebekah and Marcel for leaving you for dead." he states then looks at Bastaina "And you want revenge against Kieran for telling Marcel about your little Harvest feast." he state.

Then the two looked at him, "Marcel and Rebekah will pay with their lives." Genevieve growls and she looks at them, "Witches, so self-absorbed." he states "He will die the same way is nephew did." Bastaina growls and Eric looks over at her. "If he doesn't do as you tell him to." he states, "Just so," she answers and Eric rolls his eyes at them. "And what you were doing was better? Killing children for more power?" he questions her. "It was to please the ancestors," she reports, he narrows his eyes at him. "You know what? Red-head you leave, go do what you're gonna do. I need a talk with this elder." he states letting Genevieve go.

She took her chance and took off running. Eric then glares at Bastaina "You lied to the very girls you were sacrificing. Telling them that it was just a prick of the finger, you witches tell lies to get what you want." he snaps at her and she glares at him "The vampire race is too dangerous to allow in this world." she states and he rolls his eyes at her, "The vampires were here in New Orleans long before you were. They have the right." he states and she glares at him. "But then his phone started to ring, he pulls it out and answers it. "This bloody better be good," he growls.

Looking away from the witch, "You need to get back to the compound. We found Papa Tunde." Diego informs him, Eric stood there and smirks as he looks back at Bastiana, who held her head raised. "I'll be there," he answers and hung up his phone. "Sending the body of Papa Tunde to us? Clever." he states then he points his finger at her "You continue down this course, then I can't promise you a painless death." he states removing his hand from her throat as she smirks. "I was murdered by a vampire, I know pain," he states and Eric chuckles at her. "But that was just by a vampire. You have no idea what sort of pain I can drag out," he states, his eyes glowing golden-red. Then he flashes away and was gone.

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