Chapter 4: Girl in New Orleans

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Chapter 4: Girl in New Orleans

Serena was sitting at the coffee table, the map in front of her, she held her scrying stone over it and was scrying for Elijah at the moment. Hayley was sitting at the couch reading a book, Eric walks into the room, holding three cups. He walks over to the two and offers two cups to them. "How's the search?" he asks as he sat down by Hayley. "Which one?" Serena asks him as she looks over at Rebekah as he was on the computer. "She's been searching for the location of Davina for a while. But human technology is limited," she states as she looks down at the map as her scrying stone was twirling over the map.

Rebekah just rolls her eyes at her, "You know I can hear you?" she informs her and Serena shot a look at her, "Didn't know I was supposed to be secretive." she states and Rebekah exhales as she continues typing away in the search bar. Hayley giggles as she sips the coffee. Then Agnes steps into the house and walks up to them, "Good morning, Hayley, Eric, Serena." she said to them as they glared at her, "Agnes." they said in perfect sync as she sat down. "Serena, I know you haven't seen the doctor in a while," she states as Eric arches his eyebrow at her. "Maybe that's because I'm safer here than with the likes of you," she reports at her. Eric snorts as he tries not to laugh.

Agnes just looks at the two of them as she knew that Serena doesn't trust her, "Listen, Serena. I know you don't trust me considering everything you went through." she states, Serena leans against her hand as she glares at her, "With good reason." she adds. Agnes exhales "And I know a doctor in the bayou that can do a quick check-up." she states, making Serena lean back against the couch "A witch and a pregnant sorceress just walk into the bayou, nothing strange at all to see." she dryly jokes. Hayley hides her smile, "A lot of women would kill to have a child, it strikes me as odd that you don't take better care of yours." Rebekah calls out, "And I don't remember asking for your option, Rebekah." Serena snaps back at her. Agnes exhales and just looks at her, "It's just a quick check-up, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you, tonight, after hours." Agnes informs her, making Serena look at her, "Vampires will never get word of it, Serena. I promise you." she swore to her.

Serena just arches her eyebrow, knowing that it was a trap, ever since Sabine's little scene, Serena and Hayley have been on edge. They warned Eric about it and he informs them to be on their guard. Serena then looks at the two as they exchanged looks, she sighs and nods. "Fine, let's go to the bayou and meet this doc." she states, Agnes just smiles, Eric sips their coffee as they eyed Agnes as she and Serena stood up and walk to the door. The two watch them leave and look as Klaus walks into the room, "Please, sister, tell me you're not still at it with the internet search." he states, Eric just rolls his eyes at him. "How does one begin anyway, just type in anonymous attic," Klaus states as he pours himself a drink. "Someone has to find Elijah, even if I have to each every bloody attic in New Orleans," Rebekah answers him.

Eric rolls his eyes as Hayley shot him a look, he smirks and looks away, "Like looking for a needle in a rather large haystack of needles." Klaus states and took a sip of his drink. "I remember details about the attic that Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah's coffin." she states as he walks up to her, "Well, that should narrow it down immensely. Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor." he states, taking a seat and she glares up at him. "Marcel's delay in returning our brother, makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open up to discussing a new Alliance." Klaus informs her. Eric rolls his eyes as Hayley was looking down at the map. "As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother," Rebekah informs him.

He smirks at her, "I prefer it as killing two birds with one stone-- rob Marcel of his secret weapon, bring our brother home." he states and Rebekah just smirks at him.

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