Chapter 12: Dance Back from the Grave

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Chapter 12: Dance Back from the Grave

Serena walks down the street, passing people as Eric was next along with her. She smiles as she passes the people and Eric walks up along with her. "Are you sure, Eric?" she asks him as they walk up to a cafe and took a seat outside. "Very much so, four witches and the jumper Celeste leading them, all to take down the Originals," he answers her, waving a waiter over to them. Serena chuckles as she looks away with a bitter smile on her face. "Papa Tunde is alive and kicking again. Damn, I thought he stayed dead after the end of WW1," she states as the waiter sets down the healthy drink.

Eric arches his eyebrow at her when she raised her cup. "You've crossed path before?" he asks her, she pauses as the cup was pressed against her lips. Then she places the cup down. "After the first decade of been tortured, one of the witches set me free and gave the knowledge of body jumping and I've jumped from body to body, centuries of learning about the world and the Originals as they changed. And I wondered around New Orleans. For a while." she states as he arches his eyebrow at her "And I may have a run-in with Papa Tundu."


A woman wearing a button-up white blouse, corset on her waist as the straps reached up to her shoulders, a brown skirt that meets her knees, black leggings underneath with black button boots.

This woman smirks to herself as she walks past the people, she looks at her reflection, seeing her long black hair and blue eyes in her reflection, but looks away know it was short brown hair and brown eyes. A hat sat on top of her head as she sighs and tightens on her gloves.

Then continued walking down the street, she could sense someone was watching her, following her. So she turns down an alley and slowed down in her walk as she heard three sets of footsteps followed after her and came to a stop behind her. "Didn't your mother ever taught you, it's not nice to sneak up on a lady," she states, turning and facing the men. It was dark-colored men, two in gray suits, young boys with marks on their foreheads. And the head man was in a white suit and a sinister smirk on his face. "I beg pardon, miss." he states, removing his hat and handed to one of the sons'.

Then the man steps closer to her "Allow me to introduce myself." he states, but she crosses her arms at him. "You Papa Tunde, a witch new to the Quarter that practices sacrificial magic, from a kill you gain their power, for a short while," she states and leans against the wall. "It seems my reputation proceeds me." he chuckles and took a step closer towards her. "And who might the marvelous young lady be to know such much?" he asks her.

Serena scoffs and looks away, "A wandering Ghost that is just passing through or might just stay to haunt a few people, I'm not sure yet." she answers him, Papa Tunde just chuckles at her as he nods. "Are not all ghosts, wandering in the hopes of finding and starting a new life." he states and she smirks "You make it sounds as if it was ever easy," she states and he shook his head, pulling out his bone knife. Her eyes flick to his knife and looks back at her, stepping closer towards her "Not at all, but being reborn is a much easier way then starting over." he states, she nods and pushes herself off the wall stood in front of him "And how does one exactly one does that?" she questions him.

He smirks at her "Death." he growls then his hand snaps out and he grips her neck then started chanting, but Serena looks around, feeling nothing happening, then sighs to herself then grips his wrist, cutting him off. He groans in pain and fell to his knees. "Cute. But not strong enough to take me down," she states, then toss his hand back. Papa Tunde groans glare up at her, "And what matter of creature are you?" he questions. She just smirks at him and leans down to his level. "Wouldn't you like to know," she states then leans back up and walks past them, with a smirk on her face.

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