Chapter 2: House of the Rising Son

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Eric was walking the streets as they were the party night, he held his hood over his head and his hands stuffed in his pocket, he watches as the people were partying it up. He watches one of Marcel's people approach two teens and invited them to the party that was being hosted at the old manor. 

Eric just rolls his eyes and walks away as he continued down the street, passing the people by, ignoring them and came to an abandoned manor, not all that far from where Marcel was hosting the party, he steps into the courtyard, the leaves scatter away as he looks at the vines that have grown and covered the tables and chairs.

He sighs to himself as he looks around the yard. Then pulls out his arms and flicks his wrists, making everything fly around the entire building. The vines withered away from the chairs and tables, the wood was repairing itself, the leaves withered away, the furniture repaired itself, the lights and walls were repaired and brand new again. Eric drops his hands and looks around the yard as it was good as new again, he smiles proudly to himself. "Now this is home," he states proudly. Then turns and walks to the compound door, stepping back out onto the streets. He then turns and looks back at the compound. 

He raised his hand, spelling the entire place, making it invisible to the naked eye, he smirks to himself and turns away, the compound doors slam shut and were gone.

He places his hood back on and blends back into the crowds. He then stops and saw Klaus hanging with Marcel as he was asking questions back the victims as the vamps were feeding off them, but they were being careful about it, then Marcel second walks up to him and informs him, six dead vamps in a local bar, all night-walker. 

No one knows who are why. Eric rolls his eyes, knowing exactly who killed the six dead vamps, but he ignores it then pulls out his iPad, placing his headphones on and plays his music. Heading for the store.


Not long after, Eric returns back to the plantation, by teleporting, with one bag of groceries. He walks up to the door and walks inside. "I'm back!" he calls out, closing the door behind him. Hayley peeks out and smiles at him. "Welcome back," she calls out he walks up to the stairs. "Hey, Hayley. How are you doing?" he asks her. 

He exhales and sighs. "I'm fine, all things considering." she states as Eric hands her the bag, "By things, you mean, saving Serena from witches then came to New Orleans, hoping to find something about your birth parents, and Serena promising to help out, you took her along, then was roped into a war between the witches and vampires of New Orleans because Serena is carrying a miracle baby when she was convinced she couldn't conceive." he bluntly states, making Hayley laugh. "You know, I can see how you and Serena are siblings," she states.

Eric shrugs at her, "Well, I've known her since she was born, I carried when our village fell to plague. I raised her, along with my grandparents." he states and Hayley's smile slowly falls. "So, some of my habits rub off on her," he states as he thinks about it and Hayley places the bag on the side. "She's lucky to have a brother like you." she tells him and he nods at her, "Well, I'm your brother now too, seeing that the Mikealsons are very dysfunctional, I'll be the closest thing you got to sane brother," he states and she just laughs, making him laugh too. 

Serena smiles as she was leaning against the frame. "Glad to see you two are getting along." she happily states. The two looked at her and smile. "Well, aside from the Mikealsons and Elijah, Eric is the most tolerable one I can stand." Hayley jokes and Eric shoves her shoulder a little and Serena just giggles at them.

But then they stop as they heard a car drive up and come to a stop. They all looked at the window as they saw the lights. "Hayley, arm yourself," Eric orders her. She nods and ran into her room, Serena ran to her brother, gripping his hand tightly as Hayley came back out armed with a poker. "Both of you stay behind me," he orders as they walk down the stairs. Eric held his hand out as they look at the door, waiting for it to open.

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