Chapter 7: Bloodletting

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Chapter 7: Bloodletting

All the vampires were gathered in the compound as Marcel had summoned for the showdown. Then Marcel steps out and looks down at his people. "Ladies, gentlemen," he calls out, the chatter getting their attention "Welcome to fight night!" he shouts and they all cheer, raising their glasses to him. "And the first rule of fight night is, the vampire left standing at the end of the night is one step closer to the inner circle and one of these," he states as he raises his hand up. "A daylight ring," he states.

Getting all of their attention, "If you can impress me with a little ultra-violent, you too can enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face." he states, Josh huffs to himself as he looks away from Marcel for a moment. "Al you gotta do is kick a little ass," he states and everyone cheers for him. "Here we go!" he shouts saw everyone moves out of the way, making a circle "Are first two contenders-- Felicia and Otto!" he shouts, everyone cheers for them as they step into the ring. Marcel just laughs as he claps for them. Then Otto threw a swing at her.

Hitting her in the face, making her stumble back, he went to hit her again, but she blocks the attack and swing at him, Marcel watches as Felicia was vamp slammed onto the ground. But she overpowers him, beating his face in, but he catches her hand and flew her off. Marcel just crosses his arms and watches as Felicia wraps her legs around Otto's neck, bellows as she pulls her weight back, her back pressed against the ground, dragging Otto down.

Then she twists her waist, snapping his neck and he fell to the ground. Everyone cheers for her as she pulls herself up to her feet and stood victorious over Otto. Marcel just laughs as he claps his hands at her victory. "Whoo! Damn, girl. Not bad." he calls out as she smirks up at him and bows. But it was short-lived as Eric flashes in and snaps her neck, the cheering dies down as she collapsed on top of Otto. Everyone looks at him as he held up his hands. "Winner takes all," he states as Klaus vamps in next to him.

He smirks up at Marcel as the king glares down at Klaus. "Good evening, we would like a word." he calls out to him, "What do you think you're doing?" Marcel questions as Eric brushes his hands off. "It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs," Elijah calls out as everyone moves out of his way. He then stops and looks up at Marcel. "We've come here for the girl and Eric's sister," Elijah calls out, everyone whispers among themselves. "Give them to us... or Eric here is going to start picking through your little conclave." Elijah promises them. "And I'll start with you if my sister is not by my side," Eric states as he points to the empty space beside him.

Marcel just glares down at them, "You've got a lot of nerve coming into my home and making demands." Marcel states and Klaus just laughs. "Your home, is it?" he questions as Eric paces. "The Girl and Eric's sister! I will not ask again." Elijah reminds him. Marcel smirks at them. "I assume you're talking about Hayley-- yay high, dark hair, bitchy attitude, and Serena-- yay high, black hair, blue eyes, bitch to her core and deathly," he asks them and Eric shrugs. "He's got the bitch to her core and deadly right," he states, Klaus smirks at him. "Who are they anyway?" Marcel asks him.

Klaus looks at him, "Hayley's an old friend and Serena... she's Eric's sister and my lover." Klaus admits to him with a smirk, making everyone whispers and mutter among themselves as Eric and Elijah looks at him in shock. "And you know how sentimental I am about old friends." Klaus states. Marcel smirks at him, "Well, I ain't got them, and before you start whining. I did pay them a little visit last night." he admits to them, "I was feeling nostalgic. So I took a trip out to the Plantation where I use to be a slave, and imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence." he states.

Elijah crosses his arms as Eric rolls his eyes. "Your girls, Hayley and Serena, answered the door. We exchanged hello, but before we did, Serena's eyes glowed like a wolf's but it was different from a wolf, so she couldn't have been a wolf, or a vampire, not a witch," he states, making Eric stiffen in his spot. "I assured her I wasn't there to fight, we exchanged hellos and I left. You don't believe me, look around. Hell, I'll even help you find them. But the question I'd ask is..." he states, leaning in. "If Hayley and Serena aren't here, then where are they?"

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