Chapter 9: Reigning Pain in New Orleans

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Chapter 9: Reigning Pain in New Orleans

In the compound, everyone sat at the table, it was a very intense dinner. Then Klaus raised his glass, lightly tapping, getting everyone's attention. Then he stood up, raising his glass to them. "Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift-- immortality," he states as the vampires just glared at him.

Hayley sat in her chair, leaning forward against the back, next to Serena as she leans back into her, legs crossed and was leaning against her elbow on the arm of the chair. And Eric as he was leaning back in his, legs prop up in the chair as he rested his arm against his knee and holding his glass in his hand as he dangled. "After 1,000 years one might expect for life to be less keenly felt for its beauty and its sorrows to diminish with time, but as a vampire, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine--" he states and signals for the compelled humans to come to the table.

They did so and stood next to one vampire, "Insatiable need, exquisite pain..." Klaus states as the humans then roll up their sleeves, cutting their wrists, holding them over the glasses and the blood pours into the glasses.

Serena cringes a little at the blood and looks away sipping her water. "Our victories, and our defeats," Klaus states as he looks down at Marcel, who just glares up at him. Eric shot a glare over at him, knowing what he was up to. "To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow." Klaus toast to them. "And the party never ends." Marcel states as he raised his glass to him, then Diego shot a glare over at him. Eric narrows his eyes between the two of them. Knowing what they were scheming. He then shot a look over at Klaus, who in return looks at him with the mirrored glare.


Klaus and Eric sat in the car as they were a mile away from the plantation, "you know that they'll try to overthrow you, right? Now that you have the crown." Eric asks him. Klaus just sighs at him "I have the suspicion that they will indeed. But how does one root out?

Eric smirks as he looks ahead, "You're just going to have to give them something they fear extermination." he states and Klaus looks at him in surprise. "I can't murder the entire werewolf species, you and I know they hold a special place in Serena's heart," he states and Eric nods at him. "But Hayley will try to save them, roping your siblings into," he states and Klaus nods as he looks forward. "That does sound about right," he states and Eric looks back at him. "Let's try and play our cards right," he states and Klaus just smirks at him.

~End of flashback~

Then Diego. "To New Orleans," he states and the others raise their glasses as well. "To New Orleans." they all said as well and took small sips. Serena sets her glass down and gently taps it. "I understand that some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, and I invited you here tonight to assure you that you are not defeated. No. my intentions moving forward is to celebrate what we have, what Marcel, in fact, took..." Klaus states.

Walking over and places a hand down on Marcel's shoulder, who just looks up at him, no signs of fear in his eyes of the immortal hybrid. "And build into this-- a true community of vampires," he states and moves back to the head of the table. "What about her, the wolf?" Diego questions, pointing at Hayley and Serena shot a death glare at him. Then clutched her fist and he gasps as the air left his lungs.

Everyone looks at him in shock as Klaus just smiles to himself. "Are you implying that she should be disposed of?" Serena question, tightening her grip, making him choke. "I assure you if anyone of you dares lay a finger on Hayley. You are going to wish you died at the hands of Niklaus," she promises them. Diego tries to breath and Marcel shot to his feet "Serena." Klaus calls out, making her look at him. "I think they got the message," he informs her. She just looks at them as they shift in their spots. Then she looks back at Diego than with a wave of her hand, she let go and Diego was coughing in air, trying to breath.

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