Chapter 14: Long Way Back of Hell

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Chapter 14: Long Way Back of Hell

Serena groans as she turns in her sleep. Memories were playing through her head, memories of 1919. what went down. The fire of the theater. The hospital, the terrible secret Marcel and Rebekah kept hidden for 100 years.

She then snaps her eyes open and found herself in an abandoned hospital. One that she recognizes, she walks through the hallways seeing the wind, blew the leaves along the stone ground. She then stops as she heard groaning, she followed the sound and saw Klaus strapped a table. "Nik," she calls out. Walking towards him.

Then she stops and gasps at the wound, "Papa Tunde's blade inside you." she states as her hands hovered over his wound. Klaus flutters his eyes open and he turns his head. "Serena..." he groans, she gasps and looks down at him "Nik, can you see me?" she asks and he just looks at her "Help me," he begs her. His fingers reach out and grab her hand, she gasps as she felt the contact of his cold hands against his warms one. Then she heard someone walking into the room, she turns and saw that it was Celeste and Serena growls at her "You." she growls, but Klaus grips her hand tightly. "Please. Don't leave me." Klaus begs and Serena turns back to him.

Then Celeste smirks as she stood next to him, "Don't worry, Klaus. I'm not going anywhere." she states, petting his head, Serena glares at her as everything fades away.

Then she shot awake. "Nik!!" she calls outs, finding herself back in her room, then Eric ran in and sat next to her. "What is it, what's wrong?" he asks her, she pants and looks at him, "He's in so much pain, Eric. Papa Tunde's blade is inside him. She was there, Eric. The witch we need to break the curse." she states and Eric looks at her in surprise. "Where? Serena, think where did you see her?" he asks, gripping the side of her face.

She shook her head "I don't know, I know the hospital, I was there, but I can't remember." she states and he looks at her, "You soul-jumped from your body. Nik must have been calling out to you and you responded to his call, now you're link to him and what he will see, you will see as well." he states, gripping her shoulder and she looks at him in shock.


Hayley sat in the office, as Eric walks into the room, "How's Serena?" she asks her, "Out of commission for the moment, her mind and now locked Nik's and until he severs that lock, she's going to see what he's going to see." he states. She sighs and looks back at the computer. "I wish she was here helping us," she mutters.

Eric looks over at her then sat down next to her, "She is, she saw Celeste." he states and Hayley shot up and looks at him, "Really where?" she asks. "Wherever Nik is right now, that's why Serena's out of commission right now, the more she dives into these memories then more she'll remember," he states. Hayley nods at him.

Then Serena walks out as she sighs. The two looked at her and stood up in front of her. "Serena, how are you feeling?" Hayley asks her. "Panicked. Nervous and worried," she answers. Eric nods and rubs her shoulder. "It will come to you. Give it time," he states and she nods at him. "I promised Elliot and Jackson that I will break the curse that was placed on the both of them and that's what I'm going to do and I'm going to make Celeste suffer for the horrors she dragged down on us. And I won't be gentle," she growls and the two smirked at her.

But then Elijah calls out to them, getting their attention and they walk out of the room, "Elijah, you're back." Hayley calls out as they walk into the room, "Did you find any--thing." Hayley mutters as they saw the words written on his body. "Holy moley." Serena mutters as she walks to Elijah and looks down at the names written on his body "These are the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life and I've seen strange." Serena states "What is happening?" Hayley asks as Eric walks forward and leans against the frame. "I need you to make a list of these names. Eric, Serena, I need you both to find out who these people are," he states and Eric nods at him.

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