Chapter 20: A Closer Walk with Three

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Chapter 20: A Closer Walk with Three

Eric tossed and turned in bed as he was struggling to get some sleep, he was walking through the woods, back in his original clothing.

Hair pulled back in a half braid, brown long-sleeved shirt, black vest, a belt strapped around his waist, sword at his hip and his boots on his feet.

He walks through the woods, navigating through the morning mist that blanketed the woods. He heard nothing, no sound, not the crickets or the animals waking from slumber. No, it was quiet. Too quiet. He stops and looks around, but then heard a rustle of sticks and twigs. Then Eric quickly turns around, his hand at his hilt as he waited for the predator to jump him.

But a cry of pain echoed in the woods and met silence, Eric then relaxes and felt the air around him shift and the mist faded away as the sun then began to shine, filling the woods with life. "Eric..." a woman calls out and he turns quickly, finding himself in a hovel, his old hovel. Then he looks down at clothes and found himself in his modern clothing. "Eric." the woman calls out again. He froze in his spot then slowly turns around, tears well up in his eyes and looks at the woman, smiling at him, wearing her red Viking dress, her black hair ascends down her body to her back as her green eyes gaze lovingly at him.

He just looks at her in shock and relief, as the woman walks closer to him and gently caresses his face, "My sweet boy, look at her." she states as he leans into her touch as the tears fell down his cheeks. "You look tired." she jokes, making him chuckle. "I'm exhausted." he jokes, making her smile. "You have so much of your father in you, protective and intimating," she states, then he grips her hand. "But I also have my mother's temper and her gentle nature," he states and she nods at him. "Not to mention my sarcasm," she states and he laughs a little.

Then the woman pulls away, "How did I get here?" he asks as she walks to the pot, cooking up some foot, "The other side is falling apart. Mikeal is not keen on letting you and his children be content with your new lives here in New Orleans. But that witch Monique will take advantage of this to get to Serena and Hayley." she answers him, taking the spoon and pours the soup into the bowl. "The witch bitch?" he question. She nods at him as she adds in medial herbs into the soup. "The very same, she's trying to murder the babies," she states and he looks at her in horror. "It's bad enough that she's picking on Davina, now, she's trying to murder the babies?!" he snaps.

The woman then walks up towards him, placing her on his shoulder. "Your anger is well placed, but you forget who order the hit," she states walking him over to the table and they both sat down. "Esther," he growls as the woman handed him the bowl and he looks down at it. "What's this?" he questions, "It will help you counter Mikeal's pull and awake from this dream," she informs him and he looks down at the soup. "I'm sorry." he said and she frowns sadly at him, "It wasn't your fault what happened to me, Eric. You were just a boy." she tells him.

But he shook his head, "I knew. I knew something was wrong and I wanted to tell you, but... I did nothing." he states, clutching his fist. But she smiles and pets the back of his head, "As did I, I knew she was growing more jealous of me and I knew she come after you and your siblings of I did not draw her away." she states and Eric looks at her. "I am sorry for all the grief and pain I have caused you and your siblings," she states and he sniffles a little. "Me too." he admits and she smiles at him, "Drink up," she tells him and he sips the soup down.

The woman smiles at him then gently kisses his temple, "I love you, my son." she whispers to him and everything faded away.

Eric shot his eyes open and as he looks around the room, finding himself back in his compound. He then sat up and exhales to himself. Then he felt something burn on his arm. He pulls it out and looks down at the mark, it was a protection spell until the witches were dealt with. Eric smiles to himself, thankful for the woman who helped him.

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