Chapter 11: Apres Moi, Le Déluge

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Chapter 11: Apres Moi, Le Déluge

The Italians called them strega.

The Yoruba of West Africa called them Aje, meaning Mother

Where my mother was from, they called them Hexa,

and where we call them witch.

Over the Centuries, vampires had fought them

and fought beside them,

bedded them and burnt them.

Whether adversary or ally, they have been

a force to reckon with.


Elijah stood in the room with Hayley, Serena, and Eric as they were listening to his explanation. Hayley shot a nervous look over at Serena, who shot a quick look over at her "Their Ancestral magic anchors this city. There's never been one all-powerful witch until Davina." he states as the two upper power magic users exchanged looks. "Who is now tucked in safe and sound down the hall under my protection," Klaus states as he walks into the room.

He then stops and shot a look over at Serena, who looks away from him, crossing her arms. Still upset about the other night. Eric rubs her shoulder as she looks down at the drawings. "Your Celeste was quite beautiful and a portent of evil according to our volatile artist in residence." he jokes and the two exchanged a worried look. "Yes. Perhaps Davina's mistaken what she calls evil for power. Celeste was certainly very powerful in her day, but she's been dead for over 200 years." Elijah states.

Serena bites her lip, keeping herself quiet. "I don't understand why all these sketches now," Elijah states as he took a sit. "Why does any witch do anything?" Klaus states Serena pulls her eyes at him. Then Eric stood up "Where are you going?" Serena asks him. He looks at her, "Checking on Davina." he answers, she lets out an 'oh'. He smiles at her and kisses her head. "I'll be back," he assures her and walks out of the room.

Klaus watches him leave and looks back at Serena, she glares at Klaus and looks away from him. Still not talking to him, Elijah then looks away as Hayley felt the guilt growing inside her gut.


Eric makes breakfast, placing bacon and eggs onto a tray and walks towards Davina's room, "Let me." Marcel asks him. Eric shot a glare at him. "Look, I get it, you hate me for lying to her about Agnes," he states and Eric scoffs and pushes past him and knocks on Davina's door. "Davina. It's me." Eric calls out. Waiting for her response. "Come in," she calls out.

He then opens the door and steps inside, "I make you some breakfast." he states, showing her the tray, she smiles a little at him as he sets the tray on the best, but then she frowns as Marcel walks into the room. "Go away!" she shouts, shooting her hands out, throwing him at the wall. Eric frowns as he didn't care and sat down in one of the chairs.

Marcel then pulls himself back up and looks at her, "Come on. You got to be starving. You haven't eaten since--" he states, "Since your best friend killed my best friend?" Davina questions him. Then Marcel looks over at Eric as he looks away. "Come on, back me up," Marcel begs him, but Eric scoff. "You're dug your own grave, might as well live in it." he states, Marcel sighs and looks back at her, "Davina, I'm sorry about what happened to this kid Tim." he apologies to her, taking a step forward. "I'm sorry you don't hate Klaus for what he did or want to make him pay." she snaps at him.

Then Eric looks at her, "Trust me, Davina." he states, making the two look at her, Nik is suffering for what he's done. Serena refuses to speak a word to him or even acknowledge him and I know that is driving him mad." he assures her. "Well, it's not enough." she states "He'll pay for what he did one way or the other, but right now I just want to make peace with you." Marcel states and the two looked at him. "Why? So we can be one big happy Frankenstein family?" she questions and magically through a vase at him, he ducks and it crashes against the wall.

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