Chapter 10: The Casket Girls

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Chapter 10: The Casket Girls

Louisiana Territory, 1751

For centuries, people have come to New Orleans looking for a fresh start.

Hoping to find fortune, adventure, even love.

Young society woman imported from France with the promise of marrying a proper New Orleans gentlemen.

Like the legendary Casket Girls.

Two Carriages rode along the empty and deserted road that was coming in from the back countries and three women sat in the carriage as a man was guarding them. But the man smirks as he glazes at the women.

One of the girl was smiling as she leans forward. "Exusez-moi, monsieur. (Excuse me, sir.)" she asks, getting the man's attention. "Combien de temps avant que nous arrivions chez le gouverneur? (How long before we arrive at the Governor's house?)" she asks of him, he smirks and said nothing.

Little did they know that the men who awaited them were far from proper.

And not at all gentle.

This worries the women as he looks away with a smirk on his face. The carriages then came to a stop as a group of men were drunk and cheering as the carriages have arrives, the horses' neighs as they came to a stop, the men in front of them couldn't wait to get their hands on their girls inside.

The women gasp as they heard the cheering outside. "Get them out. We want to see the woman!" the men called out, then the men ran up and started to shake the carriage. "Come out. Come out here." the men shouted, the women inside screamed and cried as they are afraid of what is going to happen to them and the man just sat there, enjoying the look of fear that clouded their eyes.

But then the carriage started to slow down in the shakes, the men were screaming in fear as something was attacking them. The sound of flesh being ripped out and the screams went silent. This scares the man to his core as his breathing quickened.

The women held onto each other as the man slowly stood up, reach for the door and gently opens it. He peers out and gasps in horror at the side of the men outside the carriage. They were all dead and scattered about. Not a single living soul among the dead, even the driver was dead. But the horses were perfectly fine.

But then he gasps at the very creature that slaughtered the men, it was coming right for him. He leans back into the carriage, but then screams as he was thrown out of it then the creature then kills him as well. The women pant in fear as the creature then walks to the carriage.

It came into sight of the women, the creature was a vampire, but not just any vampire; Rebekah Mikaelson. She frowns at the woman and sighs sweetly at them. "Oh, there, there, little lambs. All the bad men have gone away," she assures them, wiping the blood away from her lips. They look at her in fear as it was Rebekah that saved them from the men that would of done horrible things to them. "Vous etes en securite ici. Pardonnez le desordere (You are safe now. Please forgive the disorder.)" she informs them in apologies.

They just looked at her as she smiles. "Us girls have got to stick together. Now, is there anything you want to take with you?" she asks of them. Then not long after the caskets were open as the women had gathered a few of their things and hurried after Rebekah. Away from the carriages, away from the sight, and away from the dead men as they were left to rot for their sins.

~End of Flashback~

Everyone on New Orleans were celebrating the very holiday as they were gathered into the streets. People dressed up, a parade marches down the street, everyone was drinking, partying and dancing.

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