Chapter 15: Le Grand Guignol

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Chapter 15: Le Grand Guignol

Eric rolls out of bed too weak to move but then lays back down groaning in pain. He looks down at chest and saw the red marks of something festering inside him. "Oh son of a bitch," he growls and looks up at Klaus as he was worried for Eric's health. "Hey buddy," he mutters weakly.

Klaus leans over him, looking relieved "Eric, you okay." he said in wonder. Eric chuckles weakly at him. "Yeah, for the moment. Quick question." he asks pointing at his stomach "Is that Papa Tunde's blade inside me?" he asks. Klaus winces and nods at him "Oh that all? Great." he states then hisses in pain. "How are you not in agonizing pain?" he asks him and Eric looks at him, "I've been accustom to pain, Nik. It's a requirement for me. This. This is nothing compared to what I've gone through the past." he states, trying to lean up, but then groans in pain. Klaus him and lowers him back. "Maybe I'll stay in bed for a bit longer." he states, "Agreed," he states.

Then Elijah walks into the room with Camille next to him, she gasps as she saw Eric laying on the bed. "Ye!! Camille, how ya doing girl!" he calls out with a smile on his face. She then looks at Klaus, "Tolerance to the pain." he answers and she nods at him, but then he Klaus at his brother. "You have a lot of nerve showing your face here after what you've done." he snaps at him.

Elijah said nothing as he walks over to Eric, who groans in pain. "Eric, I am going to remove the blade now," he informs him, Klaus grips his shoulder, glaring at him. "I'll do it, you've done enough to him," he states, shoving him back and turns to Eric, then pulls a blade from the nightstand. He looks at Eric and nods at him. Klaus exhales and cuts through the skin, Eric flinches and cringes at the flesh being ripped open.

Camille cringes and looks at Elijah. "And why exactly am I here?" she questions him. He turns to her, "You have brought out something in Eric that I have not seen in a very long while and we all know, Niklaus will listen to him, seeing that he trust him more." he informs her. "Cause I don't give him a reason to doubt me and I don't try and stab him, literally," Eric calls out as his wound was cut open. "Ready?" Klaus asks him.

Eric just looks at him, "Let's just get this over with." he states then Klaus plunge his hand into the wound. Eric flinches a little, but looks away, closing his eyes and bites his lip. "Doesn't that hurt?" Camille asks as Klaus then rips the blade out from Eric's body and he lets out a breathy moan of relief as the pain was fading. "Hardly," he answers. Klaus sighs as he grips the knife tightly in his hand. "Rebekah is going to pay for her treachery," he growls then he marches to the door.

But Elijah intervenes, standing in front of him. "No, Niklaus. Stay your hand," he orders him and Klaus just glares at him. "You dare after you try and stab with Papa Tunde's blade?" Klaus questions him. "I know what I've done, I won't excuse my actions, but I am asking you to stay your hand." Elijah states. Then Klaus points the blade right at him. "Don't order me, I should stab you with this blade," he growls. Eric rolls his eyes at them. "Girls, Girls!" he calls out and the two looked at him. "We get it, you're both pretty, can you please take this out of the room, I was just in pain for a long while," he states.

Then Elijah took his chance, grabbing the blade from Klaus and vamps out of the room. Klaus looks back and growls. "Elijah!!" he calls out and vamps out of the room. Eric rolls his eyes and Camille walks over to him, "Are you going to be okay?" she asks and Eric shrugs. "I'm Immortal, I can't die. I'll be fine, eventually," he answers. She looks at him, "How can you be so calm about this?" she states and he looks at her, "All the pain dulls my nerves system and strains my muscles. So everything right now is numb." he answers. She nods as she sat down next to him.


Celeste flutters her eyes open and found herself in the Bayou, tied to a tree and tape over her mouth, she looks around and found Serena, Hayley, and Eve standing in front of her, guns in their hands with the Crescent pack behind them and Elliot snarling at her from the back. And none of them were pleased with her at all. "Welcome back, had a nice nap?" Serena taunts. She said nothing as Hayley walks over towards her and rips the tape from her mouth. "So, what's this, payback?" she asks them.

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