42 - My foot.

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"Rohit." Amit called out.

Rohit looked at his father. "Yes dad?"

Both of them were seated in the rear seat as the driver drove the car.

"I am glad that you are back in India and have also decided to join the office."

"Dad, it is because you and mom insisted so much."

"Yes, but you could have still refused. Your mother's or my insistence has not stopped you before from still doing things to your own wish."

"Yeah, but..."

"I am not trying to make you feel guilty about the past or scold you as to why you were so hard headed before... I am just saying that there are times when persons need to change. either the situation demands it or some person makes you incorporate new changes... Whatever the reason be, if your change has bought something good, you should be thankful to it."

"Yes dad."

Thankful? And to her? My foot.

She was the reason, he incorporated this new lifestyle and habit. But he was least thankful to her for it. Because this changed person was the result of a broken heart.

Rohit once again glanced at his father before looking outside the window. It had been a long time since he received any appreciation comments from his father.

Since his secondary school, Rohit was least bothered of his parents views and opinions. It was not completely his fault.

Rohit was practically raised by nannies and his sister. Their parents had hardly any time for them.

Their father, Amit was busy, out all day attending meetings, confirming deals and adhering to the needs of the business. And their mother Gina on the other hand was busy with certain social activities. Half of the time she would be at an NGO, giving a hand to the company at the Corporate Social Responsibilities and the other half time she spent with her friends who were also wives of reputed businessmen. They would organise trips, kitty parties, visit the spa or just enjoy at gymkhanas.

It was not like the children could ever complain. They fulfilled all the necessary duties as parents fro time to time. Their fees were deposited at school or college well in advance, one of the parents attended the half yearly Parent Teacher Meeting and they were provided with credit cards with enough balance to fulfill all their whims and fancies.

But now he noticed that his father had changed. The person whom Rohit did not even speak to or see for months at times now made it a point to call every couple of days since Rohit shifted to London. Amit always asked Rohit about his health, his progress and most importantly was Rohit comfortable living alone in London.

Rohit recalled the conversation his family had at breakfast table.

"Good morning Dadaji! Good morning mom and dad!" Rohit greeted as he pulled out the chair opposite to his father. As customary Rohit bent down and touched his grandfather's feet, taking his blessing.

It was eight o'clock in the morning and the family was gathered at the dining table for breakfast. The housemaid was placing the dishes on the table.

Rohit's grandfather was as usual seated at the head of the table. Amit was seated to the right and Gina was next to him. Rohit had taken the seat opposite to his father which was to the left of his grandfather.

"Good morning." Manoj said.

"Good morning son." Rohit's mother too greeted. "What will you have? There is upma, paratha, cornflakes, toast... Or do you want to have eggs like yesterday?"

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