Chapter 4: Matt's Secret

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Ryan: Ahh... What a great day. The sun is shinning, and I'm not late to class!

Mr.Oinkers: Oink

Ryan: I know Mr.Oinkers, you are very proud of me. I am very proud of myself too. 

Ryan got up and started getting ready for the day. He brushed his hair and teeth. He didn't even forget to feed Mr.Oinkers. In fact, this day seemed a little.... To perfect. Ryan knew he must be forgetting something...Matt! He didn't break into Ryan's dorm today. Ryan ran to Matt's dorm. When Matt didn't answer the door, Ryan pick locked it. Matt wasn't in his dorm! Ryan ran to the cafe. Matt wasn't there either. Something must be very wrong. Matt, not being in his dorm or eating food. 😯 Ryan kept running. 

Aaron: Why are you in such a rush dork?

Ryan: Leave me alone Aaron. I gotta go find Matt. 

Aaron: Whatever dork. 

Ryan: Why are you such a jerk!

Ryan keeps walking. He rounds the corner of one of the classrooms. 

Ryan: Hey Matt. If been looking everywhere for you. 

Matt: Why? What happened?

Ryan: Well... You didn't break into my room today. I thought something bad might have happened to you. 

Matt: Oh. I'm fine Ryan. I was just getting soon fresh air. 


Voice: Be ready...

Matt: Be ready! For What?!

Voice: Do not let the ice melt. Do not let the fire be put out. It's the only way to prevent it....

Matt: Prevent what!?

Voice: He is coming.. Be ready...

Matt: Who? Who is coming?!

Voice: Do not tell him... It's the only was to prevent it...


Ryan: Okay then.  We have to get to class. It starts in ten minutes. 

Matt: Oh yea. I forgot there was class today. 

Ryan: Well, if it makes you feel any better, we are going to find out who we are tutoring today. 

Matt: Yippy! ( Said with A LOT of sarcasm. )

( 10 minutes later )

Slade: Welcome to class everyone. I'm Mr.Slade your third year rune teacher. Today we are going to identify......

( 60 minutes of boring teacher talk )

Slade: You, in the blue jacket. Name me this rune.

Ryan: My name's Ryan

Slade: I know. I'm trying to sound teachery.

The image projected on the board in the front of the room. 

Ryan: That's the rune for electricity

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Ryan: That's the rune for electricity. It's also known as code yellow.

Slade: That's correct Ryan. Good job. 

For the next 20 minutes or so, Ryan kept noticing Slade eyeballing Matt. Ryan wondered if this has something to do with what Ryan overheard earlier this morning. 

Slade: Okay class. Now pay close attention. I'm going to be announcing your training buddies. Aaron you'll be training with Alex. Kevin, you'll be training with Kevin. Ryan, your be training with Anthony. Matt, you'll be training with Emily. Tori, you'll be training with Sophia.....

Okay. Now that everyone know who they will be training with I have to tell you that you will start training tomorrow, and there will be a mock fight on friday. Everyone have a great day. Class dismissed. 

( Meanwhile, this morning. )

Anthony is walking to school with Alex this morning. He is so excited. how can he no be. He is going to be learning about runes and magic! On their way to class they run into Sophia and another girl.

Anthony: Hi Sophia.

Sophia: Hi Anthony. This is my sister Emily. She has the code brown. I'm surprised we don't have the same powers though. 

Anthony: 😕. This is Alex. He has a code grey. His brother a actually a third year at this school. 

Alex: Hi everyone. 

Emily: Oh.. Hi! 😍

Anthony: Are you guys headed to rune class too? I so excited!

Sophia and Emily: Yeah!

( Later in class )

Mr. Thomas: Welcome to class everyone. I'm not going to do any introducing, because... I don't care. I'm supposed to tell you about every rune today. So let's get started. 

( 20 minutes later ) 

Mr. Thomas: Okay class. Does anyone have this rune? 

Up on the board way the projected image of the fire rune 🔥. 

Class: Umm....

Mr.Thomas: Yeah. None of you have it. In fact, I don't even know why I asked you. It's the rarest power of them all. And the most dangerous. None of you have it because the only living person who would have the possibility of having the power is a third year at the school.... I almost forgot to give out your training buddies. Here we go....

( 10 minutes late ) 

Mr.Thomas: Class dismissed. 

All the kids start pouring out of the  classroom. 

Anthony: Who is your guys training buddies?

Sophia: Mine is Tori.

Emily: I have someone named Matt. 

Alex: I have my brother Aaron. Great 😣 What about you Anthony?

Anthony: I have this kid named Ryan. I actually met him on the bus ride here.

Sophia: That's so cool!

Alex: Did you guys here what Mr. Thomas said any that crazy fire power. About how rare and dangerous it is. I hope none of our partners have it. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to one of you guys.

Emily: I'm sure we'll all be fine. 

Anthony: You guys up for something to eat? 

Sophia, Emily, and Alex: Yeah!


Hi gus. Thanks so much for reading chapter 4. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the bad artwork. 😁

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