Chapter 25: The Locations

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Ryan's P.O.V.

Ahhhh... Where... What... Oh yeah....This is just great! I'm in the chair, but his time they tied me. Yipee! Did you note my sarcasm? What is even going on right now?

3rd P.O.V.

Ryan sits in the chair and tries to get out, but the ropes are tight. He struggles to get loose from the bonds. Ryan heard footsteps and looks up to his kidnappers.


Anthony, Alex, Sophia, Emily, Tori, and Matt all stand in the professor's lab. Alex tries to explain what the computer screen means.

Alex: So, I didn't find an exact location.

Tori: What do you mean, you didn't find an exact location?!

Alex: Well, you see, I found three possible locations.

Matt: What does that mean?

Alex: It means...

Anthony: What should we do?

Everyone: *muttering*

Emily: Can everyone just shut up!

Alex: Thank you!

Sophia: What were you saying about the locations you found?

Alex: Yeah. None of them are on campus. The locations are at Sky, Shadow, and Terra Academy.

Matt: I think they're at Shadow. That place still creeps me out.

Emily: I for one think it is at Terra. They seem... How do I put it... A little too chill sometimes.

Tori: If I may add, we don't even know who kidnapped Ryan yet, or what they plan to do.

Sophia: Tori's right. We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet.

Anthony: Somethings telling me it's Sky. I don't know why. Just do.

Emily: Well what should we do? Maybe we could ask the Professor and get his input?

Petra: Did I hear someone call my name?

The dean and Slade walk into the lab to see what was going on. The students tell them what Alex found out.

Petra: Well, that is very odd. Matt was telling me that he heard two people talking on the phone. It might have been Pred or Mr.Oswald.

Slade: We will have to conceive a plan, but for now, it's getting late. You should all be getting to your dorms.


Anthony and Alex walk back to their rooms. They pass the third and second year's dorms and notice Aaron, Alex's brother. He notices them too. Aaron walks their way.

Alex: Just leave us alone,okay!

Aaron: I just walked up to you. I didn't even say anything!

Alex: I knew you were going to make some rude remark, just to get in my nerve, and then walk away saying nothing!

Aaron: I wasn't going to do that!

Alex: Of course not! *sarcastically* I don't suppose you are going to tell me what you are going to do?

Aaron: I was going to say that.... If you need any help, I'm here...

Alex: What was that? Did my brother just offer to help us find Ryan.

Aaron: I'm not doing you a favor, dork.

Alex: You miss having Ryan around to fight with...

Aaron: No! I just.. Um... Need to get away from that academy for a little bit. That's all!

Alex: Okay then. I'll see you later than.

Aaron: I'm not saying bye, dork.

Alex and Anthony continue walking to their dorms. Alex and Anthony depart and head to their individual dorms.

Anthony's P.O.V.

I open my door and make my way into the bedroom. I slump onto the bed and immediately fall asleep. I though maybe a nights rest would help me clear my mind from all the craziness going on. Boy, was I wrong.


Voice: You think you can escape.

Anthony: What! Wait, who are you. Why are you in my head?

Voice: You will make the right choice. *laughs*

Anthony: What is going on?!

Voice: You will follow in your ancestor's footsteps.

Anthony: Are you trying to make my brain explode!

Voice: *laughs*


Ryan looks up to a familiar face, Pred. And another face that he doesn't recognize.

Ryan: Look who is alive. Last I remember, you were floating in an endless nothingness. How did space treat you?

Pred: You little..

The other guys places his hands in Pred's way before he could reach Ryan.

Evan: *whispers in Pred's ear* Remember, the plan.

Pred: Fine! *pouts*

Pred walks out of the room and Evan follows close behind.

Ryan's P.O.V.

So, Pred is here. How in the world did he survive space?! How does anyone survive space?! Who is the other guy? He looks so familiar. I just can't place. I hope my friends figured out what to do with the call I sent them?


Tori and Matt sit in the cafe and wait for the others. They had class today, but decided to skip, because search for Ryan was more important. Emily and Alex walk in and sit down next to them.

Emily: So, what are we going to do?

Matt: I don't know.

Alex: Thanks so being so helpful...

Matt: I don't see you helping either.

Alex: I kinda was the one to track the call.

Matt: Oh yeah.

Tori: I think we should search the areas that Alex found.

Emily: Tori's right. That's the only lead we have right now. We should follow it.

Sophia and Anthony walk into the cafe.

Anthony: Sorry that we're late. My alarm didn't wake me up, so Sophia came and did it.

Sophia: So, Tori told me that she thinks that we should search the tree locations. I agree, but where should we start?

Emily: Terra!

Anthony: Sky!

Matt: Shadow. Defiantly Shadow!

Tori's P.O.V.

Where are you Ryan? Terra, Sky, or Shadow. Where are you? We will find you.


Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Special about out to persassy1406 and MeyathornLagoon for following me. It means that world. Keep following, commenting, and voting. If you didn't, please check out the important notice chapter.

Where do you think Ryan is? Terra? Sky? Shadow? Leave your guess in the comments below. ALL guesses will get a shout out in the next chapter!

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