Chapter 30: The Confession

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Tori's P.O.V.

The rest of the students, and I left the bus. I shuttered when I thought about the Olympics. All of a sudden, the memories flooded back to me. I tried not to cry. Lexi. It was all my fault. If I had stayed with her, she might still be here right now.

Matt seem to notice the tears dripping off my cheek and he walked toward me.

Matt: Hey..

The first years all left to the temporary dorms, so it was just me and Matt by the benches. I wipe the tears with my jacket sleeve. Matt wrapped his arms around me, and I could hear him trying to hold back a cry, but failing at it. ( A/N I know what you are thinking. No this is not Tori × Matt. They are just friends. )

Matt: I know this place brings back some hard memories, but we can't sit around crying. Lexi wouldn't want that. We need to focus on finding Ryan.

I wiped my eyes one more time before replying.

Tori: Thanks Matt. It's just, I'm scared.

Matt: What? Tori. Scared?

I gently punch Matt on the shoulder.

Matt: Oww. You're mean.

Matt sticks his tongue out. Wow. Really Mature. I hope back a laugh,and continue talking.

Tori: I'm just worried. What if Ryan gets hurt. I'll never be able to forgive myself.

Matt: Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen. The three of us are unstoppable. We can do anything.

Matt adds the last part with a grin. The mood gets damped quickly though.

Tori: Well you guys are really good fighters. I'm just a healer. I mean, I'm not really that useful in a fight.

Matt: Don't say that! We would never have survived this long without you. Don't ever forget that!

Tori: I'd never thought I would say this, but you're right Matt.

(A/N that's how I'm going to do time skips from now on )

3rd P.O.V.

Pred, Mr.Oswald, and Evan gathered in the meeting room. This was the first time they had formally gathered. Mr.Oswald called it, so he could inform the others on the result of Serum X.

Evan: So, why did you call us here?

Mr.Oswald: I just finished receiving the results of the Serum. It worked like a charm. He's still unconscious, but I checked the results through the computer system.

Pred decided to speak up, with his mouth full of buttered bread.

Pred: What exactly does the Serum do?

Evan: We're you even paying attention when he told us the other day?

Pred: Um..

Evan: All take that as a no then.

Mr.Oswald: Well then, I'll explain it to you. Again.

Mr.Oswald was clearly annoyed, and Evan noticed that. But if course, Pred was clueless.

Mr.Oswald: Well, in simple terms that, it will increase his manna levels.

The shock on Pred's face was so ridiculous. If he had some water in his mouth, he would have spit it out.

Pred: Why would you do that! That only makes him more likely to kiss control and kill us all!

Mr.Oswald: Calm down.  I put magical cuffs on him, so he can't use his powers.

Pred: But still, WHY!

Mr.Oswald: You will understand soon, but now is not the time.

Mr.Oswald goes to stand up, but Pred firmly grasps his hand.

Pred: Oh no you don't. You're not leaving until you explain. 

Mr.Oswald started to get angry and he punched Pred. Pred fell to the ground in shock.

Pred: Why you little-

Evan grabbed Pred so that he wouldn't start attacking Mr.Oswald, but that earned him a blast in the face. Evan let go of him and got up.


Evan activated his powers and started fighting Pred. Soon after, Mr.Oswald joined the petty brawl. They went back and forth until eventually they all just collapsed of exhaustion.

Mr.Oswald: Guys we shouldn't be fighting. We have more important things to do.

Evan: You're right.

Evan turned his head to Pred, who looked down. In either anger or shame, the other two didn't know. Mr.Oswald sighed and pulled at the collar of his shirt. Beats of sweat trolled down his forehead. 

Evan also did the same. He wiped his forehead.

Evan: Is it getting hotter in here, or is it just me?

Pred: You're right.

Pred walked over to the thermostat and his eyes widened.

Pred: Oh my gosh.

Evan: What is it? Is everything okay?

Pred: It's fri*** 93 degrees in here!
( A/N sorry. I have to make it appropriate for all ages. )

Mr.Oswald: Why? Just turn it down, before we melt in here.

Pred pressed a few buttons on the panel.

Pred: It's not working.

Evan: What do you mean, it's not working! I don't What to get fried!

Mr.Oswald: Relax. I'm sure there's just something wrong with the system.

Mr.Oswald walked toward the panel. But stoped mid step. Just then, Mr.Oswald stoped what he was doing, and ran into the lab room.

Evan turned to face Pred. He realized what was going on.

Evan: Oh, Crap...

That's when all hell broke loose.


Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think happened at the end? Comment your answers!!


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