Chapter 10: The Next Fight

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* Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ryan: Ugg... Stupid alarm.....10:00! I'm going to be late to my fight!

Mr.Oinkers: Oink

Ryan: I know. I'll be careful. 

Mr.Oinkers: Oink

Ryan: I know you think about me when I'm away. I have to get going now. Bye....

Ryan rushes out of the door and to the colosseum. He sees Anthony, Matt, and Tori sitting at the table.

Matt: Where have you been? I though for a moment that you weren't going to show.

Ryan: Just over slept. No biggy.

Tori: You always over sleep.

Ryan: Hey!

Anthony: Anyway, We're going to be up soon. I think the announcer is coming over right now. 

Announcer: Umm.. Team Ryan and Anthony. You're up.

Matt: Good luck guy!

Tori: Good luck? Why would they need luck Matt!

Ryan: Hahaha!

Anthony: See you guys after the fight. 

Matt and Tori: See Ya!

Ryan noticed that Matt seemed odd around Anthony. He didn't know if it had something to do with last week incident or not. Last week Ryan, Tori, and Matt were training in the Arena when Anthony, Alex, Sophia, and Emily ran in attacked Ryan. They had thought he had lost control of his powers and they were trying to help. Matt didn't see it that way though.  

Alfie: Welcome to the next round of the tournement. I'm your host, Alfred. Today we have Ryan and Anthony versus Matt and Emily. Wait? Where is Matt. I see Emily, but no Matt?

Matt: I'm here! *pant* I'm here. 

Emily: Where were you Matt?

Matt: I forgot it was my fight. Tori reminded me. 

Emily: hehe

Alfie: Now that all the competitors are here, Matt, we can begin. The two teams can now share a few words.

Ryan: Really Matt.

Matt: Sorry.

Emily: Me and Matt got this one. 

Anthony thinks back to what Matt said a few weeks ago. Ryan's the most powerful guy in the school. No one can best him in a fight.

Ryan: We're going to win this!

Alfie: Now that they are done, the team's will he's to their starting points. While we wait for them to get there, a word from our sponsors. 

Radio: Are you hungry? Do you need some food? Come to the Life Academy Cafe. Everything for the next week will be half off!

Alfie: The team's are at the starting points and ready to begin. 3, 2, 1, Go!I

Ryan and Anthony activated their runes. 

Anthony: Do you have a plan?

Ryan: Actually, I do.....

Anthony raced over to Emily. Before she could react, Anthony encased he in an ice wall. She wasn't out, but she was slowed down. Ryan ran over to Matt.

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