Chapter 9: The Mock Fights

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Mr.Thomas: We are here today to witness the first ever mock tourney! For our first match we will have team Tori and Sophia versus team Aaron and Alex. Who will win? Stay tuned to find out. 

Aaron: Your going down dorks!

Tori: Shut it Aaron.

Aaron: Whatever.

Sophia: Hi Alex. Are you nervous?

Alex: Yes. But not about fighting. About having to spend more than a minute with my brother.

Sophia: hahaha.

Mr.Thomas: Now that the two team had shared a few words, we will begin with the competition. Both teams go to your starting point. 

Tori: Are you ready Sophia?

Sophia: Yeah! I just don't have a plan. At all.

Tori: That's okay. I have an idea...

Aaron: Okay Alex. Let's kick some butt!

Alex: Really? No plan? No strategy?

Aaron: Why?

Alex: Ugg.. Your a pain. 

Mr.Thomas: 3, 2, 1, Go!

Tori and Sophia raced down the hilly terrain. Just as Aaron finished activating his rune, Tori froze him with her spell.

Tori: Sophia! Get Alex. Aaron's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Sophia raced to meet up with Alex. But Alex hadn't even activated his powers yet. 

Alex: Stupid powers. Can't even be activated. Ugg!

Sophia took the opportunity to sneak up behind Alex, while he wasn't paying attention. 

Alex: Yes! Got it!

Alex activated his rune.

Sophia attacked from behind Alex. Alex got hit pretty hard. 

Sophia: Yes!

Alex morphed into a ant, so small it would be impossible to see. 

Sophia: Alex? Where did you go?

Alex morphed into a werewolf and attacked from behind Sophia. 

Alex: Sorry Sophia. Nothing personal.

Alex turned into a boar and knocked Sophia out. One down one to go, Alex thinks to himself. He looks over to were Aaron and Tori were. Aaron was froze in place, looking completely fine. Tori an the other hand looked exausted. Alex saw and took the opening. He charges over to Tori. Not expecting to make contact. He misses, as he expected but this cause Tori to loose focus and Aaron is able to break free of her spell. 

Aaron: Yes! You actually did something right for once dork.

Alex: Wow! Thanks Aaron. ( Said with sarcasm )

Aaron turned into a bat and attacked Tori. Tori passes out.

Mr.Thomas: And the winning team is.... Team Aaron and Alex! Good job and all the yays.

Jay: Thomas. You still have to finish cleaning the toilets today.

Thomas: Not now. Can't you see I'm in the middle of hosting the first round of the tournament?

Jay: I'm sorry Thomas! Actually I'm not sorry. I am not programmed to have human emotions.


Aaron: Wow. You actually did pretty good today.

Alex: Not bad for a first year. 😎

Aaron: If you want to win you have be able to do better.

Alex: What? I thought you said I did good. 

Aaron: I did. But if you want to beat Ryan, you'll have to be great. You where good, not great.

Alex: Uh.. Your such a jerk!

Alex storms of to meet up with his friends. Maybe, I can find Emily, Alex thinks to himself. Alex walks to Emily's dorm. *knock* * knock*

Emily: Hello? Oh, hey Alex. What are you doing here. 

Alex: I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be something to eat with me at the cafe?

Emily: Sure. That sound like a lot of fun!


Matt walks down one of the hallways toward the professor 's lab. Man, he always gets lost in here. Matt walks into the main lab doors. 

Matt: Hello? Professor? You called me?

Petra: Ah. Matt. I see you got my message. Come here quickly I need to show you something.

Matt walks over to the computer. On the screen is an image. I looks like the school. 

Matt: What is it a picture of?

Perta: It's the school. This is video feed of around 20 years ago during the accident. 

Matt: Petra! You know I hate talking about the fire that killed my parents!

Petra: I know. I know. But I was thinking about that dream you told me about. And that one line. Don't let the ice melt. Don't let the fire be put out. 

Matt: What about it. 

Petra: I looked into it a little deeper. Then I remembered something. That line. You see Vlad had a best friend and it wasn't me. His name was Evan. He has the code blue. The power of ice and water. Vlad and Evan, before the incident, had a saying. That line you told me about was their saying. The day of the incident, Vlad and Evan had a huge fight. They wouldn't talk to each other. No one knew why. The day after the incident, Evan was never seen from again. 

Matt: That's weird.

Petra: Exactly. I continued to look for as much information as I could. I found out, I found out that, Evan 's son goes to this school. Evan 's son is.....

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