Chapter 6: The Threat

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Matt's P.O.V.

That dream I had the other night was so weird. I wonder what it meant. The voice said to be prepared. Maybe their will be an attack that I should be ready for. It also said, he is coming. He is probably going launch an attack. The voice said, Do not melt the ice, and don't put out the fire. What the heck is that supposed to mean. It also said something about preventing it! What's it! And not telling him! Is him the threat, is him Ryan, is him me. Man I'm so confused. I really should be getting to class though.  I can't be late.

3rd P.O.V.

Ryan is walking to his runes class and catches up with Tori. They decide to walk to class together. 

Ryan: Have you seen Matt today?

Tori: I haven't. I assumed you did. 

Ryan: Maybe Slade had. Let's head to class to ask him.

Ryan and Tori arrived at class five minutes ahead of time. Slade was sitting at his desk. 

Ryan: Hey Slade! Have you seen Matt today?

Slade: I haven't. I've been here preping for class today all morning.

The rest of the class started coming in, so they took their seats. Matt walked in along with the other students. He looked quite shaken. 

Ryan: Are you okay? 

Matt: Yeah, why?

Like Ryan expected, the air got frictiony and Matt got tense. Matt was telling a lie. Ryan was sure if it. 

Slade: Welcome to class everyone. You will be meeting with your training partners today.

Tori and Sophia-

Tori: Okay we are just going to try some basic spells to see where you are at. 

All two girls activated their runes and began to practice. 

Ryan and Anthony- 

Ryan: So you want to have a mock fight now? You don't wasn't to wait till Friday.

Anthony: Yep. I want to see what you got!

Ryan: What!? What I got? Let's see what you got. 

The two began to fight. Anthony's purpose for the fight was to try to get Ryan to use his powers. Ryan knew he shouldn't use his powers and he isn't going to use them now.

Anthony: Your going down!

Ryan: Yeah, Well I've got another trick up my sleeve. 

Ryan sidestepped Anthony's attack. Ryan had to think on his toes. He couldn't use his powers. He tried to remember how he beat the two twins with the ice powers back at the tournement.... He got it! Ryan ran off the hill and into the boys bathroom. 

Anthony: Running away? Really Ryan!

Ryan grabbed a mirror off the wall and turned to face Anthony. 

Anthony: What's that supposed to do. Protect you from my awesomeness!

Ryan: haha. But no, You weren't here when I first used this trick on Terry and Jerry. They're twin with the same power as you. 

Anthony: Yeah, but what's it supposed to do?

Ryan: A mirror doesn't just reflect an image, when they had used their ice beam on me he held up a shard of mirror glass. And bam! They were frozen by their own beam of ice! 😀

Anthony: That's a strategic move Ryan. But you want to know what's not. Telling your opponent what your next move is.

Ryan: Oh... I think I see where this is going. 

Before Ryan could react Anthony flooded the sinks, sweeping Ryan off his feet. 

Ryan: *cough* Okay, okay. You...*cough* win. Good match.

Anthony: Thanks Ryan. If been working really hard on it.

Ryan: On flooding bathrooms?

Anthony: No. On getting the advantage over my opponent.

Ryan: Oh.. Hahaha.

Anthony: Haha


Matt walks down the sidewalk. He I going to the professor's lab. He figures he should tell someone about his dream. Might as well be the smartest guy he knows. 

Petra: Hello Matt. You wanted to talk to me?

Matt: Yes. I wanted to tell you about this dream I had the other night. I think it might effect the school. 

Matt explains to Petra about his dream. He tells him about the voice and about what the mysterious voice said. 

Petra: That is.... Concerning. I'll warn the staff. Matt. You should not tell the other students. We can't have the campus going into chaos. 

Matt: Okay Professor. 

Petra: Thank you Matt. 

Matt walks back to his dorm to lie down for a bit. On his way there he runs into Anthony. 

Anthony: Yeah. Matt? Is that your name 

Matt: Yeah. You seem in a good mood.

Anthony: Well. Today at practice, I challenged Ryan to a fight. And I won! 

Matt: Wow! Good job. ( In a muttering voice... ) I can't believe he let you win

Anthony: What?

Matt: Well you see, Ryan is like the most powerful guy in the school. No one best him in a fight, not even the Dean. If someone was to Ryan would have let them win. 

Anthony: Oh...

Matt: It's okay Anthony. He would have only let someone win if they where good enough to earn it. 

A moment of silence encased the atmosphere.

Anthony: Hey Matt.

Matt: Yeah

Anthony: Ryan didn't use his powers during our fight. And he would'nt  tell me what they are. 

Matt: Where are you going with this?

Anthony: I wanted to know, what rune Ryan has. 

Matt: Oh. If this was a one question test, and that was the question I would get the first hundred of my life. Ryan has a code Red. The power fire. 


Thanks so much for reading chapter 6. I hope you enjoyed. 😁

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