Chapter 26: On Our Way

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Alex, Anthony, Sophia, Emily, Tori, Matt, Slade, and the Professor gathered in the dean's office.

Emily: So, why are we here again?

Petra: We have to find Ryan, before Pred and Mr.Oswald cause the end of the world!

Anthony: Okay then.

Alex: I wrote down the three locations, and I have them right here.

Tori: Where should we look first?

Matt: Shadow Academy.

Anthony: Sky

Emily: Terra! Please...

Anthony: Fine

Tori, Sophia, and Slade: Okay!

Alex and Petra: Sounds like a plan!


Tori: Matt...

Matt: ......

Tori: Matt!

Matt: Fine! Okay!

Emily: Yay!

Slade: We should probably get going. How about tomorrow, we all meet here and I can drive us all.

Petra: I can drive.

Alex: Ladies, ladies, we all know that I will drive.

Emily: You don't even know how to drive! ( A/N I know they are in college, just bare with me )

Alex: Good point...


Ryan sits in a room, tied to a chair. Every time he tries to get out, he gets shocked by some kind of device that Mr.Oswald attached to his chair.

Ryan: Uh....

Pred walked into the room followed by Evan.

Ryan: What do you want!?

Pred: Well you see, Ryan my boy,we have an amazing plan to destroy the Earth, and you are a part of it!

Evan: You idiot.

Pred: What?

Evan: You just told our plan. What did we agree on?

Pred: Sorry, sorry.

Evan: I should have just left you in space.

Pred: Hey!

Ryan: I'm still here. Hello!

Evan: Oh yeah. *punches Ryan*

Pred: What the heck was that for?!

( A/N So tempted to stop it there, but I'm not that mean )


Tori, Matt, Anthony, Alex, Sophia, Emily, and the Professor were in the dean's office, nervously waiting for Slade to arrive. They were about to depart on there journey to Terra Academy, when a car pulled up. It was Slade.

Matt: How are we all going to fit?

Slade: Well let's see. There is eight of us and..... Seven seats. Um....

Emily: Some One will have to stay behind!

Alex: Oh No!

Tori: Chill. We have a psychic user. Slade and Sophia. One of them can just teleport.

Anthony: Oh... Duh!

Tori: Have you mastered the spell yet, Sophia?

Sophia: Not yet.

Sophia rubs the back of her neck, sheepishly.

Tori: That's okay. Slade can teleport and the rest of us can drive.

Slade: Wait..

Slade narrows his eyes.

Petra: That means I get to drive! One point for me!

Slade frowns and activates his runes.

Slade: You guys give me migraines. Bye.

Slade teleport off, leaving everyone except Sophia coughing, since she is also a psychic user.


Anthony sits next to Sophia, and is a little uneasy. Not about the mission, but about sitting next to Sophia. She is the the cutest girl ever! Anthony thinks that he isn't good enough for her, but is always head over heels around her. Sophia had long drifted into sleep, for it is a very long drive. Her straight brown hair lay gently on Anthony's shoulders. His heart flutters just think about her perfect brown hair that matches her perfect brown eyes. I want to tell her how I feel, Anthony thinks to him self. I just so nervous around her. Is this what Ryan was like around Tori when they first met? Anthony wonders how he ended up sitting next to Sophia, and recalls the memory from when they were getting into the car.

( FLASHBACK )sorry

Anthony's P.O.V.

I walk into the car with Alex and Emily still behind me. Weird, I think, because usually Alex is always rushing to be first. First to the cafe, first to class, first to get a girlfriend. Stop getting off topic! I thin to myself. Tori is in one of the back three seats, Matt is in the front with Professor Petra,and Sophia is in the back, next to Tori. I go to take a seat in the middle, when Alex and Emily push past me and sit in the two middle seats. I give my best death glare at Alex, but he just responds with a cheeky grin. Even though I won't admit in, I'm glad Alex and Emily did that, because just then my heart flutters as I sit down next to Sophia.


3rd P.O.V.

With everyone asleep in the car, but Petra, a lot of dreams were stirring.

Tori's P.O.V.

I see an unfamiliar place with many rooms. I don't know where I'm going, but I feel like I'm being pulled to a certain room, so I follow that feeling. I come to a room and I hear people talking. Somehow I know that they can't see me, but I'm cautious anyway. I look inside the room, and see Pred and some other guys with blond hair talking to someone that looks like they are tied to a chair. The person in the chair raises their head and I instantly know it is Ryan. I scream out to him, but now, unable to move, my eyes lock with his, even though he can't see me. Everything goes black and I hear the unmistakable sound of a fist hitting flesh. No matter what, I will never giving up trying to find him. Ever.

Alex's P.O.V.

Where am I? It looks like the campus arena. What am I doing here? Oh. It's a dream. No it can't be a dream. I see Matt, Tori, Ryan, Aaron, and some other girl who, by Tori is being called Lexi. Who is Lexi? They all look younger. This is not a dream. It is a past. Not my past. Someone else's. Tori is keeping a secret from Lexi. As she appears to begin to tell Lexi this secret, Matt come s over and hits her. He tells her to be quiet. On the other side of the arena I see Ryan being cornered by my brother. I really hope Ryan kicks his butt. I know they are talking, but I can't hear it. Just then Ryan shoots up into the air. I'm terrified. His eyes are red and he's burning the arena. What is going on! I try to run but can't, and just as a flame engulfs me, everything goes black.

Thanks so much from reading. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Please don't kill me too much. I have decided to move all my further shout out to a new story called, "The Big Book of Shout Outs" Please check it out.
If I get 15 followers I will do a face reveal that will be posted in my question and answer story. I only need three more! Tell everyone you know!!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! 😁

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