Chapter 29: The Injection

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   Darkness is all Ryan can see. He looks around and noticed that he is in an unfamiliar room. It looks also like an operation room. He tried to sit up, but something holds him back. Ryan looks and sees his arms and legs strapped down to the table.

Ryan's P.O.V.

   What is going on?! It's dark, cold, and I'm strapped to a table thingy. What's that? Someone's coming. I should probably be quite. I pretend to be asleep but can't help jump when someone turns the blinding lights on. I look up and see Mr.Oswald.... Wait! Why is he here!? Shouldn't be be in prison or something like that? He is holding something. It looks like a syringe. It's filled with some purple looking goo. Ewww.

Ryan: What do you got there?

Mr.Oswald: Why would I tell you that.

Ryan: Because, that's what all evil genius do.

Mr. Oswald: No. That is something Pred would do.

Ryan: So, are you going to tell me, or not?

Mr.Oswald: For that last time, shut up!

I'm not going to shut up. Talking is my specialty!

Mr.Oswald: This might sting.

Ryan: Wow. You seem like you care about me!

Mr.Oswald: I don't.

He raised that syringe up are stabbed down on my leg. I yelled so loud, I swear that the windows shattered. That defiantly didn't 'sting'. Before I knew what was going on, blackness surrounded me. Oh great... I passed out.... Again!

3rd P.O.V.

Mr.Oswald walked out of the lab room and threw the empty syringe into the waste bin. He went back into the lab to check on the results on the purple liquid, officially named, Serum X. He grumbled thinking about it. He was the one doing the research! Why didn't Pred or Evan help with anything! Mr.Oswald sat down at the computer at looked at the anatomy of Ryan's DNA. He smirked when he saw the results. The serum worked like a charm. Soon, Ryan will be awake, so Mr.Oswald grabbed the metal cuff on the desk at found Ryan asleep on the table. He clamped it down on his wrist. This metal band will keep him from using his powers.

Mr.Oswald's P.O.V.

Finally, I'll be able to rule this pathetic world. Just need to make a few adjustment to the serum, and I'll be all ready. This is just too easy. I just have to hope, the cuff will hold his powers in. After all, by increasing his manna levels, he would loose control easier. That's what I want,  but it also could back fire. Ugh! (A/N back fire! HA! Sorry, back to the story! )


3rd P.O.V.

Anthony and Alex walk around the Terra Academy dorms. They have been asking people like crazy, but no one seemed to notice anything strange.

Anthony: We should probably start to go back to the others.

Alex: Your right. What time is it?

Alex looked down at his watch.

Alex: Oh my gosh!! We're going to be late! The others will be worried sick!

Anthony: Come on, what are you waiting for. Let's go!

Anthony and Alex started sprinting toward the cafe, where the six of them agreed to meet, after they finished looking. They ran as fast as their legs would take them.

Alex: Come On!

Anthony started at fall behind, but Alex kept at full speed! Anthony called out to Alex, to try to stop him, but Alex ran right into two people talking. Anthony winces and walks up to them.

Anthony: Sorry about that. Are you okay?

Anthony offers his hand to the blonde girl with glasses.

Anthony: Hi, I'm Anthony. This is Alex. What you're name?

Blonde Girl: I'm Kelsey. This is Vale.

Vale: Hi there! I don't think I've ever seen you around here. Are you new?

Alex, after getting up from the fall, snorts at Vale's comment. Anthony mentally facepalms.

Anthony: No, actually. We go to Life Academy.

Vale: Oh! You're with Tori and Matt. I saw them earlier.

Alex: Yeah. We probably should be going. We don't want them to worry about us.

Kelsey: Yeah! We don't want to hold you up. If you guys ever need any thing, give us a call. Okay?

Anthony: Got it!


Tori, Matt, Sophia, Emily, Slade, and Petra all gathered by the bus. They were still waiting for Alex and Anthony. Just then, the two boys ran into view.

Emily: So, Mr.Computer Genius, where to next?

Alex: Well I'm glad you asked. We can either go to Shadow Academy of Sky. Whatever you guys think.

Matt: Shadow. I known it is. That place gives me the creeps. It's the perfect place to try to take over the world.

Sophia: I kinda have to agree with you on that one. I've never been there, but is sounds scary.

Everyone else all agreed that they should go there next. But, even though he said yes for going to Shadow, Anthony knows they aren't there.

Anthony's P.O.V.

Why did I agree to going to Shadow Academy of I know that Ryan isn't there. Now, you may be asking, how Anthony do you know that Ryan isn't there. Well, I don't know how to explain it. I'm feeling this pull. Towards Sky Academy. Almost like someone is calling out for me.
Sometimes I wonder what Ryan is going through. I mean, being kidnapped! Come on! Is it because of his rare power. Sometimes I feel pretty useless. I have one of the most common powers, and I'm terrified to use them. All because of the incident at the pool. I shutter at the though of what happened that day. I shouldn't be able to lose control. Off anything, a code blue is the easiest power to control. I'm so confused.
What do I do? What do I do?


There you have it! Sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to comment, vote, and like!
Where do you think Ryan is. Leave your thought in the comment section!!!!!!!!
Btw, that you to Jspringe for motivating me to get this chapter out! I tried to dedicate this chapter to you, but couldn't figure out how to.😂

-Kayla Matthews

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