Chapter 23: Ryan's Location?!

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Ryan: Uh... Where, where am I?
Ryan looked around but didn't see anyone else in the dusty, cell looking room, besides himself. He went to go stand up, but felt tired and lightheaded, so he sat back down. Ryan tries to remember what happened to him.
Ryan's P.O.V.

I'm ready to fight. I haven't activated my runes yet because I still have to wait for the count down.

Alfie: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go.

But then, it got really dark and I activated my runes, and lite a fire in front of me so I could see where I was going. I look to my left, but I don't see anything. I turn around. Before I can defend myself, a blast of ice shoots me in the face. What's with me and surprise attacks lately? This was the last though I had before passing out.


Ryan tried to get up again, now that he feels a little stronger. He starts to walk to the light at the entrance of the room but stops when he sees the shadow of a man creeping toward the door.


Matt walks into the professor's lab. He's worried about Ryan. He knows that Ryan is really strong, but he is his friend.

Matt: Anything on Ryan's location Professor?

Petra: Nothing yet. I'm going to talk to my sister today and see if she has any ideas.

Matt: Thanks professor.

Matt walks out of the room and begins to look for Tori. She said that she would look in Ryan's dorm, so that's probably where she was. He walks up to the door and pushes through.

Matt: Hey! Tori! Are you in here?!

Tori: Yeah. I'm in the bedroom.

Matt makes his way toward Tori, but stops where he here a buzzing noise coming from the couch.


Ryan see the shadow coming toward him. He doesn't know what to do, so he runs back to the chair and sits back down. He pretends to be asleep.

Unknown: I swear, Pred. I know I heard footsteps.

Unknown 2: Your just hearing things. He's literally still asleep.


Unknown 2: No need to get mad. Whatever it was you think you heard, is gone now. So, can we please get back to doing whatever it was we were doing.

Unknown: *huff* Fine. Have it your way. *huff*

The two men make their way out of the room and Ryan peeks open his eyes. He sees a man that resembles Pred, but that can't be. He died a long time ago. The other man, had a mop of blond, messy hair, that looked like it needed a serious cutting. The two walked out of the room, leaving Ryan by himself. Once he was sure that the men were gone, he opened his eyes and started walking out of the room.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I creeped out of the room, not to far behind the two mystery men. May I add; why is kidnapping me a common theme amongst villains these days? The men rounded the corner, and soon after so did I. They came to an open space, that didn't look much better than the other room he just walked out of. The men walked up to a table, where the blond put his phone down. Immediately, a plan started forming in my mind. The two walked out of the room, and by sheer luck, didn't take notice of me. They probably still thought I was sleep in the other room. I made his way up to the table and grabbed the phone. I looked for a texting app, but all he found was emailing and google. Why would you even get a phone, if that's all you use it for? I had to download a texting app. I looked up texting app in the appstore, but apparently, the old phone didn't know what the word "texting" was. I looked up a phone calling app instead. There were free ones and ones that cost like, thirty dollars. Just to be annoying, I chose the most expensive one I could find. I waited for it to finish downloading. It seemed like forever. It finally finished and I clicked the orange "open" button that was on the screen. The app pulled up and I began to enter my familiar number. As I clicked the call button, someone walked into the room.

3rd P.O.V.

Matt examined the buzzing couch, when Tori walked into the room.

Tori: Why are you starring at the couch?

Matt: Um... It's buzzing.

Tori: Well, are you going to check the cushions?

Matt: Why didn't I think of that?!

Tori: *facepalm*

Matt pulls out the seats and finds Ryan's phone receiving a call. It's says unknown name, and the number was also unknown.

Tori: Answer it! Quick, before it disconnects!

Matt picks up the phone and swipes the green call button.

Matt: Uh... Hello?

Phone: *bang* *thump* *huff*

Matt shoots Tori a confused glance.

Phone: I told you that I heard something. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.


Ryan tries to hide. Keyword, tries. He isn't fast enough. The blond haired guy found him. Ryan gets up a prepared for a fight. He activates his runes.

Blond Guy: Screw this.

The blond guy picks up the chair closest to him a through it at Ryan. Ryan ducks, but still ends up getting hit in the head. *bang* Ryan collapsed onto the ground. *thump* The blond guy turns around. He knows that he has horrible accuracy when it comes to throwing things. Her sees Mr.Oswald behind him with his psychic rune activated. He helped the blond guy hit his target. Next to him is Pred. Pred had a look of udder defeat.

Blond Guy: Pay up. He was awake. I was right. You owe me twenty bucks.

Mr.Oswald walks out of the room. He doesn't have time for those two's shenanigans. There was work to be done.

Pred: Fine fine. Have it your way.

Pred pulls out a one dollar bill.

Blond Guy: What is this!

Pred: Chill. That's all I have on me.

Blond Guy: Fine!

Ryan starts to wake up, and the men notice. The blond guy takes the chair and whacks Ryan again. Pred winced at this.

Pred: I can get me or Ozy ( That's Pred's nickname for Mr.Oswald)
would do that, but what do you seriously have against the kid?


The blond guy stormed out of the room, leaving a shocked Pred.

Pred: Jeez Evan. Don't need to be so abrupt!


Thanks so much for reading I hope so all enjoyed. Sorry for the cliffy. Just kidding. I'm not sorry.😁 I am sorry that I haven't published in a while. Please do not abandon this story. This story is not discontinued. It will always be my baby. Please leave a comment and follow me. It would mean the world. Special shout out to SleepingMoons for adding my story to their reading list. Thanks everyone for being amazing fans.

As some of you may know, if I reach 1,000 reads, I will have a question and answer story. ( For more information visit my home page. ) This number is quickly approaching. Stay tuned to find out when the questioning will be open. With that being said, we still need 50 views. Keep on reading. Tell everyone you know to read. Thanks for being such great fans.

Your fellow wattpadian,
Kayla Matthews ( Thelemmy123 )

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