Well. At first, at least

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a/n: hey, so apparently I am in too deep into the Breddy world and one long bus journey was enough to produce this one shot. Inspired by nonsenseverses booklets of oneshots and the "Thief" story. Also, look at the ridiculouse screenshot I made of Breddy! Enjoy, I guess?

It was unintentional. For real. Well, at first at least. He didn't mean to take Eddys practice hoodie, he just grabbed the first piece of clothing that he came across after throwing a glance outside and realising that it had cooled down. They mostly wore the same size anyway, so it shouldn't matter. He didn't notice that it wasn't his own hoodie until he buried his nose into the fabric after it started to be properly freezing outside and the warm and comfortable smell of Eddy surrounded him all of a sudden. 

Brett burst into a small laugh upon realising that he grabbed the wrong hoodie but also at himself for even making a deal out of it. They do wear the same size after all. And if he kept the hoodie on for sleeping, being the right level of tipsy to not think about it too much, he didn't need to tell anyone it was because it made him feel comfy and safe and like he was home.

Eddy didn't notice his clothes vanishing until way later. He didn't pay it much thought. They lived together after all and with all the same merch shit, they mixed up their stuff all the time anyway. 

More often than not, the clothes always returned back to him eventually. 

What he did notice was his pink sweatshirt going missing. Obviously. It was a visually noticable piece of clothing and its absence in his closet could not not be noticed. However, he distinctively remembers putting it back into the closet after laundry day. Until now, he didn't actively notice that it was Brett taking his things. He was aware that the most logical thing is for Bretts and his things to become mixed up and them occasionally wearing each other clothes.

 Looking at Brett in the living room now though, sitting on the couch and watching tv in his pink sweatshirt gave that an entire new dimension because, duh, Brett must have taken it out of his closet. He looked at his friend for a second, shrugged his shoulders and went back to his room, finding something else to wear under his jacket.

That his behaviour followed a pattern was less obvious to him than it should have been. Only when Eddy made plans with this girl from the café down the road and Brett sat on the couch, annoyed and feeling neglected and stuffing his hands in a white ling ling hoodie that wasn't his, did he realise that he mostly took things when Eddy made plans without him. 

Which, no, he doesn't want to analyse any further, thank you very much. 

All he did in the end was wishing his friend a fun night, throwing in an inappropriate joke (or two) and burying his face deeper in the hoodie after the door closed and Eddy left him alone for the night. Totally nothing to analyse.


Really, he didn't mind. But there was a line. And Brett wasn't just crossing it. He made sure to trample on it with big elephant feet and an attitude that bordered on kindergarten behaviour.

 He told Brett beforehand that he needed his jean jacket today. His friend could steal his shit however often he wanted, but honestly, he was entitled to wear his things when he wanted to. And he wanted to wear that jacket today and he was very accommodating and announced that beforehand. 

And there was Brett, wearing his jean jacket while putting on his shoes. Eddy didn't know where Brett wanted to go but he was getting late for his own date at this point.

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