To Make You Feel Like Home

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a/n: remember to keep an open mind for everything and everyone.

Probs to @GetGinxed for proofreading!


„Bro, you're buying tampons? What for?"

Brett almost had a heart attack.

He was pretty sure that's what this felt like. His hands immediately got clammy and his heart was uncomfortably pulsing in his chest, shooting blood through his body, mostly all the way up to his face, which was now tomato red.

Slowly, he turned around and there stood Nathan, his stand partner from orchestra, in the middle of the aisle for female hygiene products.

"Uh..." was all that Brett's brain was able to produce.

"My sister is visiting town. She asked me to buy some."

With big eyes, Brett turned towards Eddy, who all of a sudden stood directly behind him and took the tampons out of his hand. He put his hand up for Nathan to shake.

"You're Brett's stand partner, right? I'm Eddy, I'm surprised we haven't officially met yet."

"Nice to meet you Eddy. You're back with the second violins, right?" Nathan smiled at him and they chit-chatted a bit before they each turned their separate ways.

"You ok?" Eddy whispered after he took Brett's hand to guide him away and noticed how sweaty his palms were. And slightly shaky.

"Yeah," he confirmed but just by the way Brett bowed his head for the rest of their grocery shopping trip, he knew that he wasn't.

Quietly, they went through checkout and put their groceries in the boot.

"Hi, Brett."

Brett looked up towards Eddy, who revealed a KitKat to him. Brett's favourite chocolate bar.

Eddy was happy to see the small smile that played around his partner's lips.

"Thank you," Brett mumbled and took it delicately. And then felt brave enough to plant a short kiss onto Eddy's mouth before they closed the boot and got into the car.

Slowly, Brett ate the KitKat, while Eddy drove out of the parking lot and towards their new house. They were meant to go to Ikea after lunch, but Eddy didn't knew if Brett would be still up for it.

Looking over at Brett while waiting for a red light, he could see him looking out the car window, lost in thought, chewing on his nails.

Eddy tapped on his thigh and when Brett looked down, he could see Eddy's hand, open for him to take. With a small laugh, Brett grabbed it and interlaced their fingers. Quickly, before the red light turned green, Eddy took their intertwined hands to press a kiss onto the back of Brett's hand.

"Thank you," Brett repeated, just like earlier, but this time Eddy knew that he meant more than just the small gesture.

"I love you," was all Eddy replied before he needed his hand back to actually drive.


"Are you up for Ikea?" Eddy asked later after lunch while they stood in the kitchen next to each other, doing the dishes.

Brett just shrugged his shoulders.

"We don't have to."

"Nah," Brett sighed, "we need to go eventually. We need more than just a bed in this house. Might as well do it on our off day."

"Hey," Eddy dried his hands and turned Brett towards him by his waist, "you're doing great, you know?"

This time the smile Bett gave him was more genuine, albeit still small and not as brash and as full as Eddy knew it could be.

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