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a/n: Please do me the favour to listen to the song at least once, even if its not in english. It's quite pretty.


„I'm Max."

„I've heard so much about you Max, it's nice to finally meet you."

Eddy wiggled his eyebrows at Brett who winked back at him cheekily when Max turned around to greet some more of their group of friends.

"He seems nice", Eddy said later in the evening, after they had migrated from the restaurant to a nearby bar. Brett and Eddy stood at the bar, getting new drinks for everyone.

"Yeah", Brett looked back at the table where Max was talking to one of their closer friends, "he's alright. I'll keep him around for a bit longer."

Brett smiled and all Eddy could do was knock against his shoulder with his own.

"As long as you're happy, mate."

"I am."

Eddy was glad to see that Brett seemed indeed quite smitten with Max, which made the other a good guy in his book.


Eddy was just rummaging in his music room, getting things ready for their recording session later when he heard the doorbell ring.

Brett had a key, so it couldn't be him.

His surprise grew when he opened the door and Max stood in front of it, nervously shuffling his feet.

"Hi there", Eddy greeted him. He had met Max on some more outings but if he was being honest, he had never exchanged more than a couple of sentences with him, he was usually never leaving Bretts side.

"Hi Eddy, sorry for disturbing you."

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering if Brett is here?"

"No, not yet, he'll come over later. Could you not reach him over the phone?"

"It's turned off."

Max seemed a bit unsure and Eddy felt sorry for him.

"Do you want to come in and wait for him here? He is meant to be here within the next hour or so."

"Thanks mate", Max smiled and Eddy led him inside.

"I'm just a bit worried, usually Brett is glued to his phone."

Eddy snorted.

"Truer words have never been spoken. Don't worry though, Bretts quite capable of taking care of himself."

Max laughed, a bit shakily.

"You're probably right."

"I'm just setting up the studio. You can either come and watch or you can hang our here, turn on the tv or something."

"Thanks mate, you're really nice."

"No worries", Eddy answered lightly.

Max decided to stay in the living room and Eddy could see him playing with his phone when he walked by.

Brett came half an hour later and Eddy greeted him at the door after he saw him approaching through the window.

"Your boy is here", he said quietly while taking Bretts jacket to hang up on the coat rack.

"Max?", he asked surprised.

"How many other boys do you have?"

"I have you, don't I?"

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