The One that Got Away - Bonus Challenge

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Ready to say hello to some old friends?



The only one that greeted Eddy at the door was Rufus, which was a tiny bit sad. And unusual.

He dropped his suitcase and his jacket and brought his violin to the downstairs music room.

"Where is everyone, buddy?", Eddy asked and patted Rufus on the head when he got upstairs.

He always let Brett know when his plane would arrive and usually, the other was lingering around the door or window to see when Eddy would pull up in the driveway. Not today though.

It didn't took him terribly long to find Brett, who was sleeping soundly on top of the duvet on their bed. Baby Stevie was eight month old now and equally asleep in his crib on the side of the bed Brett was laying on.

Carefully, Eddy stepped inside, took off his jacket and crawled onto the bed, Brett laying with his back to him and with a sigh, Eddy put his arm around Brett and pulled him closer, so he was spooning him completely.

"Jesus Christ", Brett cursed when he jerked awake, but Eddy could feel him relax immediately as soon as he noticed who it was.

"Hi", Eddy murmured and pressed a kiss in Bretts neck, pulling him even closer for a second. He could feel Brett grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. God, he had missed him.

"Was your flight early?", Brett mumbled confused with a gravel sound, trying to shake of his sleepiness.

"No, arrived as scheduled."

"Oh?", Brett turned around in his arms and Eddy used this opportunity to sneak his other arm underneath him. Now he had Brett nicely settled in his embrace.

"Sorry, I didn't greet you at the door."

"I'll survive", and with that Eddy kissed him sweetly. Brett made happy noises in the back of his throat and snuggled closer, laying his head in Eddys neck and sighing in content. Eddy could feel Brett closing his eyes again, to sleep more apparently.

"What time is it?", Brett asked and Eddy wondered why he was so tired.

"A bit after 12pm."

Brett only hummed at that and Eddy could feel the vibration against his chest.

"Five more minutes. And then I'll walk Rufus. You wanna come along or do you want to sleep?"

Eddy had always been bad at fighting jetlag and it certainly didn't became easier when he got older. At this point, he accepted that it would take him days to develop a normal rhythm and in the meantime, he just slept whenever he felt like it.

"I'll come with you."

No response. Apparently, Brett had snoozed off again.

Eddy enjoyed the silence and quietness and relished the feeling of his partner in his arms. Carefully, he combed through Bretts hair, which was soft underneath his fingertips. It had turned even more grey in the last year.

He couldn't believe how old they've gotten. The life they had built for themselves.

Eddy closed his eyes although he knew that it was dangerous.

As if he had an internal alarm clock, Brett woke up shortly after. When he tried to shake Eddy awake, it felt like he was woken up from a 50 year long sleep.

"You wanted to come along", Brett reminded him smiling when Eddy tried to sit up and rubbed his bleary eyes.

"I feel like I got hit by a bus", he mumbled.

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