Plot Twist

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"Jesus!", Eddy put a hand over his heart to calm it down, "Don't scare me like that."

"Says the guy who shouted 'plot twist' around the room like a maniac?"

With raised eyebrows, Brett dropped his bag at the door and stepped properly inside the living room, before he continued to ask.

"Why were you yelling like a maniac?"

"The internet says that you can say it out loud when your life is shit and it helps you to start over."

For a small second, Brett could only gape at him. Then he gave Eddy a sharp slap against his shoulder.

"Ouch! What the hell?"

"That's for calling our life shit."

"That's not what I meant and you know it!"

"Uh huh", was all Brett pushed out before he turned around to grab the whiskey bottle and some coca cola from the kitchen.

When he returned, both of his hands were full with the bottles but he still made the effort of pressing a kiss onto Eddy's lips before making his way over to their balcony.

"Good to be home. Grab some glasses", he said when he opened the door and pushed their seating pillows around with his foot to rearrange them on the floor after putting the bottles to the side.

"Sorry!", Eddy said as soon as he followed, "sorry for not picking you up from the airport either."

"Mate, you forget it half of the time anyway, so it's not as if I was actually counting on it."

Brett's face turned soft immediately when he saw how Eddy's whole posture dropped.

"I am such a shit boyfriend."

"Now, hey", Brett grabbed his hand and pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him, "you have a shit week. It'll be better."

"Shit weeks", Eddy mumbled into his neck but pulled his own arms closer around Brett's waist.

"Let's have a drink. Tell me about it."

They settled on the cushions on the ground but Eddy declined the drink Brett had poured him. With a shrug of his shoulder, Brett just nipped on it himself while Eddy laid down and used his lap as a pillow for his head.

"What's up, buttercup?", Brett asked lightly, carding through Eddy's hair with soft fingers. A content sigh left Eddy when Brett's delicate fingers were gliding over his ear.

"Life is shit."

"You said that before. You have to be more specific, love."

"I just can't get back into practicing like I used to."

"That was to be expected."

"I know", Eddy answered sharply, but the reassuring hand in his neck made him calm down immediately again.

"And I knew it would be shit getting back into it after the injury. But it's just so frustrating, I can't get anything done and I am so behind. I can't believe this is my final year. And",

he drew a deep breath,

"everyone else is so busy and no one has time to meet up and if someone does, I am the one who is tired and not in the mood, so I am just sitting at home, not practicing and alone."

He knew that he was wallowing knee-deep in self-pity and he appreciated that Brett just let him do it. Eddy grabbed onto his hand and pulled it tightly to his chest.

"And you're gone now and I hate it. I hate that you have to take a plane to see me and that you have this grande life somewhere else and that I am left behind like your old uni-boyfriend that doesn't quite fit into your life anymore."

A hot tear rolled down his face and he squeezed Brett's hand tighter.

"Plot twist", Brett mumbled above him and surprised, Eddy looked up.

A tender smile played around Brett's lip.

"Sydney is so lame because all I do is practice and rehearse and I don't have time to meet any new people, everyone's an orchestra nerd and when I return to my flat, it's empty and I miss my stupid, old uni-boyfriend and I feel like shit for being so far away even though I know he is having a hard time. But then I book a flight home and I know that I am going to love every second of it and I am taking so much energy back to Sydney because I know that I have someone waiting for me even though I was the fool who decided to leave."

"You're not a fool."

Brett tickled him with his free hand.

"Okay, maybe sometimes", Eddy admitted, laughing.

"It will be better", Brett continued, the back of his hand softly stroking Eddy's cheek, "It's a rough patch. We'll get out of it somehow."

"What if I can't find a job in Sydney though?"

"I'll move wherever you'll go."

Eddy ts'ked.

"You can't give up the fellowship, it's too much of a once-in-a-life-time opportunity."

"It's a stop in my life. It won't be forever."

The way Brett just casually shrugged his shoulder was too much to take for Eddy.

"You make it sound as if it's not important."

"It's not as important as us."

Eddy's hand was back on his own heart, this time to check if it was actually still beating. He sat up, facing Brett properly now.

"I am so afraid of the day when you will realise that there are greater things than us in the world and you're just gonna leave all of this trouble behind."

"Love, " Brett's hand joined Eddy's on the others chest, "when will you realise that none of this is any trouble at all. It's all worth it. And if we can't find a forever-career together, we have to make one. Who says that we have to be orchestra musicians for the rest of our life's?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Let's do something unexpected. Something else. Something just for us."

"As a career?"

"As a project. For us."

"The two of us?"

"The two of us", Brett confirmed, "And our violins, of course."

"Of course. Two musicians and two violins."

"Twoset violins, basically."

It struck them both at once that maybe, they had just come up with something good, something new and exciting. Something just for them.

"You are one clever musician", Eddy mumbled and pulled Brett closer with his hand.

"So my boyfriend keeps telling me."

Eddy laughed prettily but was shut up with a kiss.

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