Sunset Flight

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Disclaimer: I honestly have no idea about medical stuff or the technical runnings of the RFDS, so I just took wild guesses. Sorry.


„Royal Flying Doctor Service Jandakot, how may I help you today?"

Eddy tried to stretch his neck, feeling the stiffness crawling up on him at the end of his shift and after sitting down all day.

He listened intensely to the caller.

"Is your husband conscious and reacting to your voice?"

Opening their coordination software, Eddy scanned the roster and had their mapping software open on his other screen.

"That sounds good, I'm glad to hear Gladys that your husband sounds stable for now", Eddy said into his headset.

"What I need you to do now is to drive to the closest airstrip, we have one based only fifty kilometres from your current position. I will send you the coordinates to your phone in a minute. We will have someone pick you guys up as quickly as possible. Do you understand Gladys?"

"Yes", the scared voice on the other end of the phone.

"You'll be fine Gladys, as soon as you drive to the airstrip our team will greet you and take care of everything. Should you notice any changing condition of your husband, please call us immediately again. Okay, Gladys?"

"Yes", this time it sounded more confident.

"Perfect. I will end this call for now Gladys, but please keep your phone close by and contact us if necessary. We will stay in contact as well."

They said their goodbyes and Eddy ended the call, only to connect to their base in Broome.


Casual as always up there. Eddy rolled his eyes.

"This is Eddy from Jandakot, I have a suspected cardiac infacrtion in Telfer and wanted team TB5 to fly out."

"Eddy", the cheerful voice came through the speaker and Eddy couldn't help the small smile when he noticed who had answered the call.

"How was your holiday? I missed your voice."

"I missed your voice too Brett."

"Cheeky", the other replied but Eddy could hear how he shouted for the rest of his team to prepare for the departure.

"Did you rest and relax?"

He could hear how Brett was moving, probably getting his things and preparing for pre-flight checks.

"Nah, I just chilled at home, went to Rottnest for a weekend."

"Sounds great", Brett replied, "I've heard it's nice."

"It's proper pretty. How was your time without hearing my lovely voice every day?"

"Meaningless. Absolutely meaningless. It's time for you to give me your phone number."

"Stalker", Eddy laughed and he could hear a chuckle on the other end of the line.

Eddy noticed another incoming call.

"Go to work now and let me know when you retrieve the patient, I'll let the medical team now."

"Thanks mate, hear you later", Brett said into the phone out of breath, probably jogging back inside to leave the phone at the base and then be off.

Eddy ended the call to accept a new one, coordinating the next emergency. This person didn't require immediate emergency service though so Eddy put him through to their doctor on call as part of their telehealth service.

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