Out of Curiosity

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a/n: I decided that this fandom needs more fluff. So here is something short and sweet for inbetween.

It was the end of year three and Eddy was bricking it. Uni was beyond stressful and he had this massive competition coming up and the day did just not have enough hours for practice and school and friends and...life. And also, for the life of him, he couldn't find the sheet music for the Mahler piece he wanted to practice. It wasn't in the library and he couldn't find it anywhere online.

Knocking viciously on Bretts door, he just hoped for a damn miracle and for his friend to have that music.

He knocked again.

"Jesus, I'm coming", he heard from the inside.

" 'ello", Brett said and opened the door properly when he saw Eddy in front of it.

"Ah, it's you, come in, I just need to finish something."

Eddy followed Bett into the living room of his flatshare, leaving his shoes and jacket on is usual spot.

"You alright?", Brett asked and both slumped down on the couch. Some Mendelssohn was playing in the background and Eddy immediately started to relax a little, his shoulders less drawn. Bretts flat always had this effect on him. Well, and Brett himself, presumably.

"Stressed", Eddy just said and watched how Brett went back to applying colourless nail polish. He must have an audition as well or exam in the next day or two. Eddy couldn't remember, he could barely keep up with his own schedule.

Brett looked up at him.

"Stressed like 'man, this was a busy week' or 'one spilled coffee away from an emotional breakdown' stressed?"

Eddy had to chuckle lightly.

"Maybe something in the middle."

"Cool, so we have time to stop the worst", Brett finished his left hand and closed the nail polish, blowing on all of his fingers to get the polish to dry quicker, "are you in the mood for some smash bro or would you rather practice. I can give you feedback?"

"I was actually hoping to get some music of you, I just can't get my hands on it anywhere else. And we both know you're hogging the biggest unofficial music library in the world. Or at least in the student body."

Brett just laughed and pointed at the bookshelf behind Eddy.

"Feel free, good luck."


"You just did them, so stop biting them."

Eddy pulled Bretts fingers away from his mouth and gave him a slight shove with the shoulder, while they walked across campus. Brett huffed.

"Sorry, sorry, but I am just thinking that I should have practiced the Dvorcak a bit more. I'll probably gonna blow it."

"You won't and you know it, Mr. Perfectionist."

Eddy inspected Bretts nails while walking, the other ones hand still in his. No damage was done, which made both of them happy. Since Eddy can remember, Brett would apply colourless nail polish whenever he had some form of violin playing in front of other people coming up. Bretts nails would always be well made and clean cut on any given day anyway but it gave him confidence to know that his nails where extra shiny.

"How is your Mahler coming along then?"

"Urgh, don't even ask", Eddy mumbled, Bretts light snicker still in his ear.

They went out later that day, with all their good friends and then some more friends and some people they didn't knew and they always found some reasons to go for another shot or another drink. Brett doing alright in his exam, Eddy managing a clean shift in his Mahler, Stacy finding the hair tie she was looking for all week, and oh, those shots where 50% off for the whole evening, which was a reason in itself to celebrate, wasn't it?!

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