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Eddy could do this.

He could absolutely, totally do it.

Taking a deep breath, he was about to enter the restaurant, hand already on the door handle, when he shied away from it in the last second.

He could not do this.

No, he could.

Breathing in and out three times in a row, squaring his shoulders, he was just about to enter the restaurant when the door opened by itself.

"Sir, would you like to come in? It is rather cold outside."

Eddy starred at the waiter, not prepared for human interaction just yet. He thought, he'd have at least another twenty seconds.

"Um, yes", he stammered and blushed slightly when the waiter held the door open for him.

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Yeah", Eddy looked around, spotting his date, "I see him over there already though, thank you."

The waiter still brought him to his table, letting them know he'd be back soon to take their drink orders.

"Hi", Eddy rushed out to Jacob, who had jumped up as soon as he had spotted him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry I'm late."

He still felt incredibly flustered, his cheeks rosy, struggling to get his jacket off and then realising that this restaurant was fancy enough that hanging the jacket over the back of the chair was not appropriate and just when he started to feel awkward about it, the waiter was back to relief him off it.

"Thanks", he said, feeling embarrassed but finally sat down on his chair, opposite of Jacob.

"Could we start off with the Merlot and some water for the two of us?", Jacob asked of the waiter, who smiled and nodded.

"How was your day, hun?", was the first thing Jacob asked Eddy, who immediately had started to play with the cutlery in front of him, shifting it nervously from left to right.

"Huh? Oh, it was alright. A dreadful rehearsal but at least it went over relatively quickly."

"Poor you, you must be exhausted."

Jacob patted his hand that was laying on the table and Eddy could only wonder why Jacob's hand on top of his looked foreign and strange.

"Would you like to try the Merlot first, Sir?"

The waiter was back way sooner than expected, addressing Jacob directly.

"Yes", the other said and watched carefully how the bottle was opened and a slight portion of it was poured into his glass.

Eddy watched how Jacob swirled, sniffed and looked at the sip of wine as if it was a horse he considered to buy and he threw an apologetic glance to the waiter, who only returned a kind smile to him.

"It will suffice", Jacob eventually decided and honestly, Eddy had always wondered if people actually would not take a wine. Jacob was a wine connoisseur, everywhere they went, he already knew which wine to get. No need to test it.

The waiter filled both of their glasses and brought them the menu.

It had only five mains on it. Three of which Eddy had no clue what they even were.

"Do you not want to ask me how my day was?"

"What?", Eddy looked up from the menu, meeting Jacob's expectant face.

"My day?"

"Oh, sure", he cleared his throat, "how was your day?"

"I got a raise."

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