Dark Days - The One That Got Away Part 2

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The one that got away - Part 2


Eddy felt torn. Rationally, he knew that he was doing the right thing by entertaining Lynn but his heart wasn't in it. Lynn felt it as well. They both sat quietly in the living room, watching some tv but neither really paid attention. The now six year old had her head on Eddys lap, who slowly run his hand through her hair again and again, in order to calm her. Absentmindedly, he looked at her, lost in thought, wondering at what point she became so tall and grown up-ish. Her face was serious and it took a second for him to realise that she was actually looking back at him and not at the tv anymore.

"Can we go to baba?"

"He needs a moment, Lulu."

She was quiet.

"I wanna be with him."

Her voice was quiet. And sad. Eddy drew a short breath, feeling a pain deep in his chest.

"Me too", he said in the end.

"Then why can't we go?"

Eddy just stared at her. Well. Yeah, why not. He wanted to be there for Brett as well. But he also wanted to give him space. He wanted to give Brett a moment for himself, to feel the pain, be selfish and grieve, not having to care if Lynn would see him, not having to put up a strong face for her. But also for Lynn not having to see just how upset her father was. Which is why Eddy thought it'd be a good idea to let Brett be and take Lynn out of the quotation, excluding her from the bad experience. Neither Lynns nor Eddys hearts were really in it though.

"If we go", he started, Lynns eyes never having left his face, "we need to be quiet. And if baba doesn't want us to be with him, we go immediately. You are not allowed to be upset with him about it."

She nodded with the most concerned and serious expression he had ever seen, but Eddy wasn't sure if she actually understood.

"If we go and he wants us to be with him", he continued, "you need to hug him really, really tight. As tight as you can."

This time, she nodded fiercely, as if it was absolutely no questions of her doing anything but that anyway. And with that, they were on their way through the unusually quiet house, going upstairs to the bedroom. Lynns hand in his, Eddy stood in front of the room and even considered  for a second to announce their arrival with a knock but decided against it in the end. It wouldn't matter to Brett. Quietly, he opened the room and peeked inside. It was dark, the curtains drawn and all that could be seen was a human like shape on the bed, curled in himself.

Lynn wanted to jump on the bed as soon as the door opened but Eddy held her back while simultaneously going inside slowly, getting used to the dark room and starting to be able to see better. He sat down on the side of the bed and simply pulled Lynn in his lap. Brett acknowledged their presence by turning around to them, lying on his left side. Eddys inside twisted at the sight of his friend. Bretts glasses were abandoned, deep bags under his eyes, tear tracks down his cheeks, his hair a mess. He was still somewhat curled in on himself and the bed, as if he wanted to just vanish in the sheet and never come out again. With a feather like gesture, Eddy put a hand on Bretts back, which rose irregularly while drawing breaths and started to slowly run his hand up and down. Lynn had become completely quiet, clinging tighter to Eddy. This was what he was afraid of, her being overwhelmed by the situation.

"Hey", he whispered quietly. Brett looked at them, but didn't say anything. Probably couldn't see them too clearly without glasses and might not care too much about it in general.

"Baba, do you wanna hug?"

At the quiet question from the tiny voice that echoed back in the room Brett had to chuckle, only once and it came out wet, evidence of the sobs and tears that were still comfortably nestled inside him but Eddy was relieved to hear it nonetheless.

"I'd love one", Brett answered hoarsely and Lynn didn't need a further invitation. Less than half a second later, she was out of Eddys lap and crawled into Brett. Literally. Snuck in between the sheets and wrapped her tiny body around everything she could reach of her father, her head buried in his chest.

"I love you, baba."

Brett started to cry at that. Eddy too. He just couldn't help it. He kept on running his hand on Bretts back but also threated through Lynns hair once, quickly, letting her know she did well.

"I love you too, monkey", Bretts tears were falling into Lynns hair

Eddy had to stop his caressing for a moment to collect himself. He hated how much Brett was hurting, wished he could take it away from him.

The room was quiet for a second again. Bretts cries slowly calming down again as well.

"Can I get you anything?", Eddy eventually asked, using his hand now to gently trace Bretts face, clearing some of the tear tracks. He got a head shake as response. Lynn was also quiet but Eddy could see that she was indeed hugging her father tightly, holding on for dear life. Apparently he got lost in thought for a second because the next thing he noticed was Brett taking his hand which was still on his face and intertwining their fingers. Holding on. And then slightly tugging. He didn't needed to be asked twice.

Even though they were already lying only on the right half of the bed, Eddy just squeezed himself against Lynns back, nearly falling off on the edge. Brett lifting himself up a bit and adjusted his daughter in his arms so that Eddy could snake his arm underneath Lynns and Bretts heads and just engulf the two of them completely. He threw his left leg over Bretts and pulled them closer to himself as well, so that he was utterly and completely wrapping himself around his two favourite people. They were quiet yet again for another moment until Eddy couldn't take it anymore.

"I am so sorry for your mother. She was the best."

"She was", Brett said after a second. Eddy heard him taking a deep breath, one that sounded clearer and like he wanted to regain calm and control.

"She loved you as well" and damn, now it was Eddys turn to nearly succumb to tears.

"I wish she could have stayed longer", Brett continued, "Wish she could have seen more of Lynn growing up."

"She was happy though. So happy with you and Lynn."

This time Eddy caught the tears rolling down Bretts cheeks immediately and pressed a long kiss on his forehead, reaching over Lynn completely and let his lips linger.

"You have every right to feel the pain. Your mother was great. We will miss her. But we can also honour her by having a great life."

He felt Brett nodding and pressing a kiss on Lynns head this time.

"Granny will be watching us. She told me", Lynn perked up, her face turning towards her father, the back of her head on Eddys neck because they were all lying so close.

"She will", Brett said, smiling, a bit forced and through tears. Eddy could feel the pain radiating off him but he knew it would become easier eventually. Bretts mothers passing last night was not a complete surprise after two years of illness but hurtful nonetheless. She was a wonderful woman, warm and loving and way too young to go. Eddy wished he could just all take it away, but he knew that the grieve must be felt. That's ok. They had time. All the time in the world.

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