Carter heard a knock on her door and a slipping noise. She stood up seeing a pink post it on the floor. She crouched down picking up the note.
'Date night is tonight, 8:15 be ready my love 🖤'
Carter chuckled walking towards her bathroom. She ran a bubble bath for herself. She took off her sweatpants and tank top.
She got out her phone and texted Grayson.
Mrs Dolan💜: what are we doing for date night? X
Mr Johnson💙: it's a surprise 😊 also wanna get Starbucks?
Mrs Dolan💜: not right now, because im running myself a bath
Mr Johnson💙: you're running US a bubble bath? Heck yeah! Im joining you 🤗
Mrs Dolan💜: the door is open
Carter took off her matching underwear getting in the bath whilst it fills up. She put the hot water on more because she loves hot baths.
Carter grabbed the face mask that was on the sink opening it, she always liked to wear a face mask in a bath it was more relaxing for her.
Her hair was already up in a bun so she could place the face mask straight on.
She heard a knock on the bathroom door and Grayson walked in with a boxing robe on. Erm okay?
Carter smiled and moved close to the taps so Grayson can fit in. She closed her eyes to not see his manhood, even though she has seen it lots of times. It was still a surprise every time she saw it. He took off his robe sliding into the bath. He pushed his legs down as Carter was in the middle of his legs.
"Hiya Gorgeous"
He kissed her neck as he pulled her backwards. She was placing her mask on so she was awkwardly doing it laying down.
"You look like an alien"
Carter laughed at his comment, she turned around looking at him, she made a silly face.
"It was the look i was going for"
He burst out laughing at her, he tucked the fallen strands of her hair watching her brown eyes.
The face mask was green that why she had the resemblance of an alien.
"Wanna look like my alien boyfriend?"
She laughed at Grayson as she sat on his lap. She took the packet of the green cream. She put the cream on her fingers rubbing it on his face. Missing his eyebrows and the parts where you're not allowed to put it.
Grayson kept making faces, at the brown-haired girl in front of him.
Carter burst out laughing looking at the weird faces he was making.
She leaned in kissing him whilst laughing at the stupid boy in front of her.
Carter grabbed her phone that was on her table stand. It was a message from Ethan. It was on a group chat of the four teens.
Roommate buddies 🖤
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