Rumour - Sixty four

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Carter was in her room whilst the show friends played on the tv.  Even though she was on her phone she could still hear the voices of her favourite cast.

The twins were moving in next week. So they were packing up in their stuff. Whilst they decorate their rooms.

Mr Johnson💙: i miss you! Come help decorate my room with me

Mrs Dolan💜: sorry mate, you 'hate me'

Mr Johnson💙: MATE! excuse me. Aren't i your lover

Mrs Dolan💜: i will not move out your way. Anyway, i can't get out of bed. Well, i can't be asked to :)

Mr Johnson💙: baby that's so mean! Just wait until tonight ;)

Mrs Dolan💜: sorry but you have a girlfriend 😊

Carter always got reminded of the photos of him and Sidney on Instagram. They were still together and Carter hated it. She always felt second best when it came to him.

She shut off her phone watching the tv.

Grayson looked at his phone, he knew Carter hated this. He shut off his phone getting out of his new room.

He knew what he had to do.


He looked at the lake in front of him. It was ice cold, you could see your breath when you breathe. It was like a relieved feeling of you're actually breathing.

"Hey sexy baby"

The voice of popular rang through his ears. He turned around seeing the girl who hurt Carter.

She smiled at him, she had a bobble hat on that matched her scarf. She had ugg boots that had a bow ribbon on. Black leggings were tucked into her boots. Her fluffy coat.

She had a red nose from the cold winter weather.

"Hey Sidney"

He gave her a small smile. She stood next to him looking at the lake. She wrapped her arm around his, she couldn't hold his hand because it was placed in his pocket.

"I've been thinking"

"That's not good Gray"

She chuckled looking up at him. He looked out to the lake seeing the show on the trees.

"About us"

The girl went on her tiptoes then back on her heels. She bit her lip looking at him. She knew where this was going.

"What about us Grayson?"

He let out a sigh of 'not wanting to do this' he was normally really good at this but he knew Sidney would go ballistic.

"Sidney i think we should break up"

He finally looked at her straight in her light blue eyes. They teared up a little bit. She coughed a little bit trying to cover it up.

"You know what Grayson, fuck you"

She picked up the snow on the floor and chucked it at him. She pushed him, hard than anticipated.

"Sidney- sorry"

His voice was raspy from sorrow. He didn't want to hurt her. He just loves someone else.

"Sorry is definitely not good enough"

She crossed her arms walking off. She was no used to getting dumped. This was a new feeling of hurt. It wasn't a good feeling. She felt like shit.

"I don't know why you're mad at me, you hurt Carter"

Sidney kicked the snow looking at Grayson. She was so annoyed. She screamed taking off her Bobble hat.

"Is she the reason why this is happening"

She pointed at the space of both of them.

"Look im sorry for hurting you okay. Im just not feeling this relationship."

He walked up the hill away from Sidney, he said what he needed to say. That was it.

"Grayson! Why are you doing this! Hu? Why Grayson. Why"

He questions we're fast and very eager for an answer.

"Because I'm in love with Carter. When you hurt her it made me realize that. So thank you. You have been putting her through hell all this time. Why?"

He finally turned around mad at her.

"Because she always gets what she wants"

She picked up another handful of snow chucking it straight at his chest.

"I don't get it"

"Fuck off Grayson! Go away."

She walked further up the slope sticking up her middle finger at the guy who chooses another girl over her. Her blonde wavy hair was blowing in the wind.

"And to even think i was going to homecoming with you"

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