2. In the cloak of night (Edited)

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Valen's POV 


Grabbing a hold of my suitcase, duffle bag and handbag I take one last look at my bedroom that still must be packed up.  All the memories made in this room makes me sad now. This is my home! This is my room! These are my things in my room! 

My eyes run over my queen sized bed.  The dark purple and teal duvet set brings a tear to my eye just thinking about the person that gave it to me.  He is no longer a part of my life but the memories that we made in this very room only makes me want to run and hide somewhere in this house so that I don't have to leave it.

Walking over to my wall of memories a nostalgic and sad smile graces my face.  My two childhood friends and I called it our wall of memories when we decided that we would go wild on one of the walls in my room.  Mikaera came up with the idea.  He was so adamant that we really needed a place to display all of our memorable moments, so we would never forget about each other.

Over the years I've added more pictures and little mementos to it, till now it's a haphazard display of images, quotes and colours.  On the edges of my wall of memories, it's painfully obvious that my two childhood best friends have been replaced with a group of new people.

I look at each photo carefully.  Taking down a few that mean a lot to me, photos that make me smile with the memories that they hold.  A day at the beach.  Summer BBQ meals with the staff, their families and friends.  School productions. So many images of my two friends and I, and more recently photo's of my new friends and I.  Those pictures are more lively than the others, snapshots at crazy parties doing crazy poses with huge smiles on our faces.  Photos of days spent at the local skateparks with our skateboards.   Nights at the Horowhenua Dragway before or after a race when anyone from our crew was lined up. But nothing can beat my most favourite images on my wall of memories.  Fight training pictures or just plain old fight night photos.  In most of the recent photo's I am either drunk off my ass or high as a fucking kite. 

Good times.

I take a few of each of those too, though if I could I would take them all so I would never forget.

Sighing in resignation I walk over to the full length mirror on my wardrobe door and critically look at myself.  I like what I'm wearing.  I think to myself as I take in the simple outfit; blue distressed jeans, simple white tank and black combat boots.  I admire the three quarter sleeve colourful tattoo on my left arm and shoulder.  Smiling at the memory of when I got it done. I was drunk and high that night and an uncle of one of the guys I hung out with was in town, who just so happened to be a pretty awesome tattoo artist from Australia.  

I really didn't believe Jet when he said that his uncle was one of the best.  I should have known better, Jet could never lie to me.  It was one of his many admirable character traits that drew me to him even though he is only one of the town's bad boys.

When his uncle asked me what I wanted done, I knew straight away what I needed permanently etched on my body.  Then that overly talented mother fucker free-hand tattooed a sexy as version of my face, with a white wolf surrounding me and at the bottom of the image are words that I just can't seem to get out of my head, even though I have no idea where it came from.

"I am she and she is me."

My current friends aren't exactly what you would call the respectable, good kids from equally good families.  They're more the naughty, do as much bad shit as you want without getting caught by the cops, type of kids.  

Their 'Don't give a fuck' attitude is actually what pulled me in at first, then came all the parties that we hosted which we did a lot of in the unused barn on the outskirts of town owned by a chick in our crew.  The joyriding in stolen cars every now and then.  The illegal and legal racing scene.  The illegal fighting every Friday night and lets not forget the vandalism to the school we all loved to hate.  No, I don't mean the school that I attend.  I mean the other school in our town Waiopehu College, the school that my friends attend.

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