6. Tough Reminders *Unedited*

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Hello fellow wattpader's!

I was wondering...if any of you would like to make me some lovely covers please. As always, I want to thank you for choosing my book to read, and don't be afraid to point out any spelling or grammatical errors. 

Also, don't forget to vote and comment please! 

Happy reading my lovelies! 

Valen's POV 
"Here little cousin, let me take that." an irritated voice roughly says, before my bag and suitcase is taken out of my hands. 

Hastily stepping away and gently yanking my arm out of this stranger's hand, I blink a few times, clearing my head from the foggy cloud that enveloped me earlier, whilst frowning in confusion, not really understanding what just happened and not really liking it either. 

"Thank you." I quietly say to the blonde giant who is my cousin. 

"Mmmhhmm." he hums noncommittally while scowling disapprovingly between me and the guy behind me. 

"Just to let you know, that guy you were just salivating over is my sisters boyfriend and my best friend." His observation not only makes me feel guilty but also angers me, because not only do I not know what just happened, he assumed that I'm the one that made it happen! 

His eyes finds and glares at the guy that has taken a step closer to me, it's weird because his eyes all of a sudden change from a glare to an almost blank expression while his head slightly lowers. 

"Just to let you know, you're friend was the one eye fucking me and I'm the one not interested." I reply indignantly to my dumber than dumb cousin, my face slightly flush with my anger. 

Not even an hour in this fucking country and someone is already assuming what people back home think of me, that I'm some home wrecking whore. I'm not sure why, but having this happen here, at this time, with this family member who is, by all intents and purposes, a stranger to me...hurts. 

A surprised expression morphs his face into something that slightly resembles my old English teacher Mrs Maka back home, that one time she came to school with her face filled with too much botox...she looked like that for a whole week much to the delight of her students. 

He curiously lowers his head in the same way that he did earlier and then raises his head to look at my face, probably trying to find a lie in what I just said and obviously not finding one. 

"Let's head back, Bianca is waiting with everyone else to meet you." he says to me while I nod in agreeance before stating, "I've been dying to meet your sister, mum is always going on about how much we have in common." 

I take a few steps away from them both, moving quickly toward my waiting Aunty who has a trolley in her hands, a slight frown still marring my forehead, a mix of thoughts and emotions warring within me. 

My Aunty's smile doesn't completely cover the troubled look on her face and I can't help but think to myself, "What just happened, worries me too Aunty." I watch as my cousin places my duffle bag and large suitcase on the trolley before he takes hold of the trolley from his mum's grasp to push it. 

"You ok, hon?" Aunty Elizabeth asks while eyeing the two boys that are following a few paces behind us. 

I nod absentmindedly as I look inside my handbag for my cell phone, then finally finding it I turn it on and go through the motions of setting up my  roaming so that I can at least call or text people back home until I get another cell phone from one of this country's communication networks; which I hope I will get to do before Christmas. 

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