16. Old hurts and men in skirts. (Edited)

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Hello my lovelies!

Warning: Components of this chapter will have subjects that touch on sexual molestation and rape; read with caution. I will place ** in the area's before and after the sensitive subjects so you can decide whether you want to skip or not.

This chapter will also be one of the longest chapters I have written thus far,

Happy reading everyone xoxo!
Valen's POV

The sounds of screaming filters into the cold night sky.

It takes a little while for me to realise that the screaming is coming from my own lips, that it's my mouth that is making all the noisey grunts and groans, because I am oblivious to everything but the scorching pain inside my body as my bones break.

Loud snap followed by a hair-raising scream and sobbing; for what feels like hours and hours.

Over and over until all 206 bones in my body are broken excruciatingly and completely, until I am left on the cold, hard ground unable to breath let alone open my eyes.

The sudden shift from torturous pain to prickling warmth from the inside out surprises me at first, it feels like my bones are being wonderfully massaged while I am lying down in the heat of a sauna room. But I know that, that's not true.

I feel my bones achingly move slowly re-connecting, joints moving and re-shaping to form something else entirely, finally being able to breathe I revel in the ability to just inhale. Groaning this time in relief I can feel my body growing, some areas moving more than other parts, the texture of my skin changing from smooth and supple to thin threads that feel soft and glossy.

Then everything stops. I hear multiple gasps coming from more than three people, curiously I open my eyes wanting to see just how many people have been watching me go through...whatever it is I just went through.

My heart picks up it's pace dangerously fast as I realise that I am lying down in the middle of a circle of people. People that I recognize who live in this community, as well as people that were at the party tonight and others I do not recognize at all.

There are three people standing directly in front of me, my father, my brother and Brody; who are all looking at me with pride shining from their varied coloured eyes.

Behind them are my uncle, aunty, Storm, two of his friends and their parents; I notice that Tiernan and Bianca are curiously missing but I don't have time to dwell on it as my father is stepping out, coming closer to me.

Kneeling down he smiles at me and bows his head before saying, "Don't be afraid, you did well and I am very proud of you, my daughter."

I smile at him before I tell him, "Thank you, Mak...dad?  What do I even call you any more?" but what comes out is a series of whines and barks. My eyes widen in shock and fear pulsates in my very being, but my dad only laughs and holds out his hand for mine, unsure of what is going on or what to do I stare blankly at him. Sighing he gently takes one of my hands...err...paws.

Wait what?! PAW?!

"What the fuck?!" I shout, but once again a bark is what comes out slightly high pitched and a lot panicked.

"Ssshhh...ssshhh little wolf, don't be afraid," he tells me while I whine and bark in response, I am distracted so I don't notice my father holding a buck knife in his free hand until it's too late and he has made a small incision on the pads of my paw and his hand. My father then smashes his hand to my paw letting the blood mix.

"Under the ethereal glow of the goddess we all serve, I Alpha Kamaka Cord Rihari, accept you Valen, Ataahua Rihari as a full member of the Pack Snow Wolf. Rise my daughter and take your rightful place as direct descendant of the Moon Goddess Hina Iwaiwa also known as Artemis. Take up your mantle in your ancestral pack as heir to the Alpha Guardianship Throne of Werewolves."
(Hina Iwaiwa = translates to Glimmering Moon and is a goddess who personifies the moon in Maori culture)

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