5. Land Ahoy *Unedited*

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Valen's POV 
After a grand total of fifty hours and thirty minutes, three interconnecting flights (or lay overs as they are commonly called), airplane food, rushed washes and changes of clothes, and surprisingly comfortable seats that turned into equally comfy though slightly small single beds. 

I finally hear the co-pilot advise all passengers to please raise our seats and trays and buckle up in preparation to land at Grand Forks International Airport. While I am raising my tray the co-pilot continues to give the passengers a quick run down of the weather, the cities attractions and also the current date and time...which is 22nd December 10:45am, then finally thanking the passengers for flying American Airlines. 

I'm buckling my seat belt when I hear a slightly quivering voice say, "Are you ready dear?" 

Looking across the aisle, I smile at the lovely elderly lady that I've had the fortunate honour of sitting next to since leaving Honolulu. She was quick to strike up a conversation with me, proclaiming that travelling is so much easier to deal with when making friends and she just couldn't wait to tell me all about her life. 

Her name is Gladys, she is 73 years old, and she is going to visit her son, daughter in law and their three children, she also made me promise to visit her before she leaves to go back to the Cabana boys waiting for her at the beach back in Honolulu where she migrated to, after her husband passed three years ago. 

I couldn't help but giggle at the naughty stories she shared with me of her experiences in life, making me sincerely hope that I end up being just as vivacious and full of bad ass life when I am her age. I quickly realised that Gladys was absolutely right in her theory, as sharing stories about my own life, something I would never normally do, made the last leg of my trip more bearable. 

I smile at her a little nervous, "As ready as I will ever be Gladys, but I'm nervous. I don't really know these people." I reply. 

"Oh phooey!" She declares with a mock frown, the lines in her kind face becoming notably more visible. 

"We didn't know each other before this flight and look at us? Besides they're your family, and there is nothing more important than family. Even if you sometimes want to gag some of them, tie them up and run a hot poker iron over their skin." My eyes widen in surprise though I really can't help the wide grin that makes its way onto my face...she's a total fucking bad ass. 

She readily grins back, pats the back of my hand, winks with a twinkle in her eye and says, "Like your mothers!" She cackles loudly while I giggle shaking my head. 

I don't know what it is about Gladys that made me feel so comfortable to speak freely with her, but half an hour into the flight, I was telling her all the sordid details of my pathetically cursed life. While she was sharing my chair, holding me in her arms and whispering words of comfort in my ear. 

And all she asked was, "What about you dear? What exciting adventures have you managed to get up to so far?" 

I look over at her smiling before I cheekily say, "If things don't work out at this new place...how do you feel about adopting me?" 

A broad grin lights up her face as she instantly replies, "Oh, I would love to!" Then she mutters quietly, "And if I don't, I know my grandson will."  I'm not sure if she intended for me to hear her, so I choose to ignore that last bit. 

The plane has finally landed and taxis when I reach over, holding her hand, "Thank you Gladys, for everything." 

She pats my hand and sadly says, "That's what real grandmothers are for, Valen." 

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