13. Strength. Warrior. Saviour. *Unedited*

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Valen's POV

I scowl at the look on Bianca's face, because she is blatantly checking out my best friend while her boyfriend is standing right beside her, like seriously?

So your boyfriend and I locked lips for a few heavenly minutes, that doesn't mean that you go and eye fuck some rando dude you've never met before!  But I can't help but feel like she is using my best friend to get a rise out of me and her boyfriend, who I am guessing has just realised what his girlfriend is doing, if the sudden tensing of his whole body is anything to go by. And I'm also guessing that this is the first time that she has ever looked at a guy in such a way in front of him because Tiernan's features are displaying shock, hurt and anger. 

Which makes me feel kind of sorry for him, which then makes me feel disgusted within myself, because that asshole didn't even feel an inch of remorse for the way that he, his friends of my cousins have treated since Christmas day.

Recovering quickly, Bianca schools her features into an expression of concern, "You're cold cousin, let's go inside where it's warm." she says her voice pleasant and sickeningly sweet, but I can't for the life of me decide whether it's fake or not.

In any case, I am pretty cold so shrugging my shoulders, I turn to watch Brody head to the boot of the car to grab his luggage before I start helping him with his duffle bag and carefully make my way up the stairs that leads to the front door of my apartment. I can hear the muffled steps of the others as they follow me and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little anxious as well as angry at their sudden display of self serving curiosity that they do not deserve to feel.

Opening my door, I take my boots off and place them against the wall and walk further into the apartment. I look over my shoulder at Brody and nod my head for him to follow me to my room. I open the door heading to my walk in wardrobe so we can stash his stuff in there and just before we leave the semi small space, Brody catches my arm and pulls me towards him.

I eye him curiously while he stares at the artwork on the arm that he's holding, "When did you get this done?" he asks me.

"A few months back, Jordan's uncle was in town for a Queens birthday, so I asked him if he would do it." I answer him with a smile.

He lifts his eyebrows and nods his head before saying, "I really like it, he did a good job."

"Hey, you wanna fuck with them?" he asks me mischievously while nodding his head towards my closed wardrobe door.

Shaking my head at him I hastily answer, "No, I'm scared my family are going to send you away before we can actually spend some time together."

"They won't," he smiles reassuringly, "I spoke to their 'rental's before I came, they know I'm here."

A relieved sigh escapes me, "Ok...let's fuck some shit up like old times" I grin evilly

He nods his head as excitement which brightens his gorgeous light brown eyes, "Follow my lead." He then grabs my hand and drags me out of the walk in wardrobe, through my closed bedroom door and into the living room where my two cousins and their friends have taken up the two arm chairs, and various positions on the three seater and two seater couches.

I'm looking at Bianca curiously as she is sitting on the two seater couch by herself instead of sitting next to Tiernan, she is once again eye-fucking Brody like he is the last man alive, while the hurt expression on Tiernan's face as well as the weirded out looks from the other three is a confirmation that this shit NEVER happens.

What the actual fuck?!

I started to make my way to the three seater couch to sit in the middle between Jared and Tiernan, I'm expecting Brody to let my hand go, but he does the total opposite. Tightening his hold on my hand he pulls me along with him to the other couch that is occupied by Bianca and sits down next to her. Bianca's face transforms into a very satisfied smirk before a slight frown appears when Brody lifts me easily to sit on his lap, wrapping his warm arms around me.

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