9. Christmas Vs. Birthday *Unedited*

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Tiernan's POV
Christmas Day/Birthday

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window and groaned loudly really not wanting to get out of bed, that'll teach me for staying over at Valen's place with the other guys so late at night.  The guys wanted to leave so that we could go to our secret place in the middle of the forest before midnight, like we normally do, but I honestly just wanted to be around her for a little bit longer.  So I made up an excuse saying that I would like to bring in my birthday with junk food and another movie.

I'm pretty sure they bought it without any suspicion, well I hope they did.

I just decided that it would be a good idea to snuggle more comfortably under the covers and go back to sleep, when my door is thrown open and a loud scream of unintelligible words are assaulting my ear drums making me sit up in surprise and scream back in turn.

I just caught the sight of a streak of brown hair before something hits me hard, making me fall back onto my mattress with a groan, the heavy object starts bouncing while half on top of me and half on my bed then proceeds to laugh sing 'Happy Birthday' at the top of her lungs, totally butchering the tune and the words.

Happy birthday you pooh
Happy birthday you pooh
Happy birthday dear Tiernan smelly tinkle pants!

The grimlin causing me physical pain ends the last line in a mix of rushed words, that makes my blood boil over angrily, that psycho fucking sadist!

And really?  Tinkle pants!  That happened one fucking time and I was 6 years old!  I've hated that fucking nickname ever since Tori Millar shouted it out for the whole class to hear, after the unfortunate accident that I had at school during class photo's.  It's not my fucking fault that the teacher didn't want to listen to me when I told her I had to go to the bathroom before standing in the back row for the photo shoot! And it's definitely not my fault that two people in front of me, one of them being Tori Millar, got splashed with my pee when I couldn't hold it in any more.

But I fucking had to live with that nickname all through Elementry and Middle School, until I got fed up with it and beat Tori's older brother for calling me Tiernan tinkle-pants on the first day of High School.  Yeah, that mother fucker got what he deserved and everyone knew that Tiernan tinkle-pants was a no go zone for the Future Alpha.

I growl and grunt while I push my annoying sister off of me, "Kara! What the fuck!"

She lands on the floor with a resounding bang making an "oomph" sound, while I glare at her and yell, "It's my birthday, your supposed to be nice to me?"

Sitting up while rubbing her hip with a grimace she retorts, "Well, today was Christmas before it became your birthday, so I win asshole!"

"No you don't" I instantly reply

"Yes I do"




"Mo-oom! Tinkle pants is trying to use his stupid Alpha command on me a-and he said the F-word!" My monst- I mean sister yells in a shrill voice.

"Ow Kara! Would you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" 

Just as Kara was about to retaliate, I hear something that makes my heart stutter to a stop and my whole being fill up with dread.

"Tiernan, Kade McKenzie! Did you just swear at your sister?"

I turn my head to see my mom standing just inside my room, hands on her hips, blonde hair all over the place and a frown marring her normally beautiful face. It's not beautiful at the moment...more like red pepper, ugly angry.

I open up my mouth to deny it when she growls angrily, "And don't even think about lying, because I heard you young man!", she then proceeds to walk closer to my bed looking like she's going to go Jet Li on my ass.

I look at her incredulously, "Why ask me if you already heard me then?" I think to myself. Titus perks up sleepily in my head and says, "She's a woman, they're confusing creatures!"

Rolling my eyes, I deadpan, "Thanks for the help, Titus. NOT!"

"Yes, I swore at my sister. I admit it. And yes I'm sorry...but I have a question." My mom's glare softens as she asks, "What?"

"Is Kara sorry for singing, "Happy birthday you pooh, happy birthday you pooh, happy birthday dear Tiernan smelly tinkle pants, you're so ugly your mate won't love you." I sang the song in perfect imitation making sure to sing the last line slow enough so my mother doesn't miss a single nasty word...while simultaneously looking heartbroken.

Pouting sadly I look at my mom despondent, "Is it true mom? Will my mate not love me?"

My mother's scowl has returned and it's all directed at Kara who is now standing with red cheeks, a look of fear on her face. "HA! Serves you right, you little shit!"

My mother growls angrily before saying, "You better run Karameli, Josephine McKenzie!"

With a shriek of fear, my sister runs, dodging out of my mother's grasp and out through the door, my mother turns around an evil glint in her eye, before we both pause, and then start laughing. 

After quieting down, my mother walks towards me and kisses me on my forehead, "Merry Christmas son." She then turns and walks away. I'm staring at her back dubiously when she turns around and says, "Hurry up, there's a lot to do before the guests arrive."

I'm left sitting on my bed, staring at my now closed door thinking...even after me singing that bogus version of 'Happy Birthday' to myself...she forgets to say it to me.

The only thing that I have to look forward to today is a girl with blue black hair and...I mean fiery red hair and dark green eyes.

My girlfriend, that I love, trust and am loyal to. 

So then why does my heart pound at the thought of another girl?

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