21. Agreement between friends. (Edited)

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Alpha Guardian Mak's POV (Surprise!)

My heart pounds in trepidation as I sit next to my long lost daughter, while listening to Guardian Sebastian give a run down of some of the details that we will find, once my Leading Three and I have a chance to take a look at the audio and video files.

I turn to look at the face of my beautiful daughter gazing at the Vampire. She is working so hard to keep her tumultuous emotions from marring her angelic face. But I can feel them, I can hear her mind screaming in fear because she hasn't learned how to block the mindlinks to her mind yet, given that she only shifted the night before. 

Sorrow engulfs me as I think of the horrors of what is to come and the hard decisions I will need to make in order to save my family and my people.

I only just got her in my arms again, something that I never thought would happen while I was still young and sound of mind. I remember the last time I held her in my arms when she was a baby like it was yesterday; she was only 4 months old and oh so tiny, her black hair and dark grey green eyes peering up at me trustingly as I fed her bottle to her.  Both covered in blood and unknowingly about to be separated for years.

Why now? Why would they decide to make a move now, after almost 50 years of tenuous peace between the species? It just doesn't make sense!

Taking a deep breath, trying to gather control over my emotions I move my eyes away from my daughter because looking at her reminds me that I have more to fear now besides the safety of my family and people. She is an untrained Werewolf Guardian and the road she now must walk is being made that much more harder due to the war that is looming over our heads.

"Our bi-monthly meeting is scheduled to take place in two weeks time, Sebastian. Why didn't you wait for after the meeting to speak to me about all of this, or wait until the New Years celebrations were over?" I ask, I have a feeling I know the answer to my question, but I wanted to hear him say it.

He peers at me with a analytically before answering, "I didn't wait for two reasons.  I felt the re-birth of a new Guardian and since the other future Guardian's are known and have either been re-birthed already or are awaiting their re-birth, I deduced that it had to be yours; given the touch of night that was blended with the vibrations.  Mak, I felt the strength of her re-birth while visiting people in Denmark, it was that powerful; if I could feel the bestowing of her powers from a different country, it is only a matter of time before the other Guardians come." he pauses as he moves his eerily glowing eyes towards my daughter, "she must be moved now before Guardian Azahn comes to investigate and I will not allow that asshole anywhere near her." 

"FUCK!" I curse loudly in frustration. Well, I wasn't expecting him to say that because this was not supposed to happen. Valen was meant to stay here and learn about Pack life and train as a normal wolf before moving to Pack Snow Wolf to learn her responsibilities as Guardian. That is the reason why I issued the order for Brody to be moved to this pack in the first place, so that my daughter will be kept safe during her training.

"That can't happen for another 6 months at the least! She needs to train as a normal wolf and learn Pack life before she starts on her Guardian training." I tell him in irritation.

Shaking his head his eyes glowing crimson with displeasure, Sebastian declares with determination, "No, she can't stay here.  She is going to have to be moved to Pack Snow Wolf as soon as possible and train in all her responsibilities on her ancestral homelands from now on.  There is no way any of the Guardians would infiltrate your Pack lands without invitation for fear of breaking the agreements."

"You can't make that choice for me Sebastian!" I growl angrily.

The pasty idiot raises an eyebrow at me while smirking, "Yes, I think I can."

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