12. Surprise *Unedited

125 13 4

Valen's POV

It's been almost a week since the Christmas day feast and the last time that I saw Gladys, I smile as I remember the group hug that River and Hope gave me after we all exchanged numbers. They made me promise to ring them if I ever needed to talk "Any time", as a result we have talked every day since that night.

I spent a day with the Stone siblings along with Blake and Kara, just shopping and hanging out which I thoroughly enjoyed but really don't want to repeat ever again. Who knew that Hope and Kara would be shopaholic energizer bunnies?

It's mid morning and I'm lying in bed just chilling before I have to get up for the party later on in the evening, my phone suddenly chimes loudly making me jump. Reaching towards my bedside table I grab my phone to see who it is and whether I can be bothered talking to them before sighing loudly and then answering.


"Little Flower."

I smile before responding, "Hi Brode"

"What's wrong?" His deep, gruff voice is automatically alert.

"Nothing really." I reply before I ask him, "How's the girlfriend dude?"

He chuckles before saying, "Nice try loser, you know I don't have a girlfriend! Now answer the question, what the fuck is wrong?"

I really don't want to tell him, partially because I don't know if I can trust him fully yet and also I know that he is going to get angry.

But then, if I want this relationship to even regain a semblance of its former glory then I should just bite the nutt and tell him. Taking a deep breath before I let loose the vent of the fucking century, and filled him in on all the different kinds of crazy I've had to endure since arriving here.

"Okay, so I know I told you about everyone I've met here so far, and the kiss, yes?" he grunts in agreement and I continue quickly before he even thinks of interrupting me.

"Everyone was so nice to begin with and although some people are still nice, my cousins and their friends have all of a sudden decided to ditch me. I mean I'm not expecting to be best buds with them, but they don't come and hang out with me any more, and I can't help but feel like they're all angry at me because Bianca's boyfriend and I kissed, but that wasn't even my fault, he kissed me and I kind of kissed him back. I very rarely see my Aunty and Uncle because they're always busy with work, in fact they're pretty non existent, and the people they have to look after the grounds and the house don't really talk to me besides one word responses. I feel like I'm alone here, like truly alone."

I didn't realise how fast I was talking or the fact that I didn't take a breath until I suddenly feel lightheaded, I open my mouth to start taking a few gasping breaths to do something about the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

Then I remember that I haven't exactly been completely alone so rush into telling Brody, "Well not completely alone, River, Hope, Blake and Kara are still talking to me."

It's completely quiet on the other end of the line before Brody says one word, "Facetime" then hangs up.

Pulling my phone away from my ear to look at it incredulously. I nearly drop my phone when it chimes again, this time flashing Brody's smirking dp. I wait a couple rings before answering it, it then takes a couple of minutes for the screen to brighten up with the real time image of Brody's smiling face.

I take a minute to admire his handsome features, his dark red hair that I used to tease him mercilessly for and his amber coloured eyes, thin lips and strong jaw. Looking at him, you would never know that he and his whole family are a part of THE family in New Zealand. When Brody said that he could still make things happen for me, even though I'm in a different country...he really could.

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