23. Car ride antics. (Edited)

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Valen's POV

I'm sitting in the front passenger seat of the steel grey SUV next to my father as he drives, while listening to the boys bicker and joke around in the back, it feels so surreal to be out and about, that I have to pinch myself.

It's the first time that I have been in a vehicle in three and a half weeks and while I watch the world pass by, I can't help but have mixed feelings of excitement and trepidation.

On one hand, I'm really excited to finally see Kara, River, Blake and Hope face to face. On the other hand, I don't want to be going back to Shadow Moon Pack lands, because I'm worried about seeing fucking Tiernutts and Biancunt. 

Slap my fat ass and call me bitter, because it's not like it isn't true, that's what those assholes have made me feel.

My connection with my friends has grown strong, thanks to being able to speak to them every night via FT, and I really just want to hug my friends close to my heart before I have to leave them.

I don't know when I will ever see them again and that just makes me sad.

Talking with them the last few weeks has helped me to open up about my past, not that I really needed to go into too much detail because they all saw and know what went down, thanks to my not knowing how to block my mind for the first 48 hours. 

I also gathered up the courage to tell them who I am unfortunately mated to and the equally unfortunate rejection on Christmas day.  I had already told Kaiah, Brode and Mikaera earlier that day, with the support of Sebastian and his Leading Three.  It was the least that I could do, considering I was already planning on telling the others, to say that they were fucked off is putting it lightly. 

Kaiah especially was upset but unsurprised, apparently, Tiernan and Bianca always thought that they would end up being mates, heck everyone thought the same thing, and he had a feeling that they would pull something like this, should they be mated to other people.

The reactions from my friends was pretty much the same as the boys. River's eyes glowed a light bright blue, his face contorting into an angry expression before a look of sadness entered his eyes and he clicked his camera off for a couple of minutes before flickering back on to join the conversation. 

Blake's beautiful olive green coloured eyes had darkened as he became quiet, a sneer appearing on his face while he growled lowly, although he didn't click out of the conversation, he stayed quiet for the rest of the call, which was indicative of his mood as Blake is usually just as loud and full of life as Kara is.

Hope's reaction though, was the total opposite to the two boys that was on my screen. 

She was extremely vocal, calling Tiernan a dumbass Alpha and threatening to chop his balls off and shove them so far up Bianca's fucking ass, that her shit would get stuck up there for the rest of her life, which is what she deserves because she's a full of shit bitch of a cousin, while Tiernan deserves to be ball-less because he's nothing but a little bitch.

Kara was quick to defend her brother calling me a liar, it didn't bother me none, it's not like being called a liar was anything new.  It helped that I totally got it, I mean the guy is her brother after all. 

A few nights later, after FT silence on her end, her FT feed flickered to life and the image of my beautiful friend's face brought a relieved smile to my own before the smile dropped completely.

Kara's eyes were red and puffy, her face pale and despondent.  She explained to me as well as the others in our group chat and my boys, that as she was walking past her brother bedroom door earlier that day, she had overheard Tiernan and Bianca talking heatedly about me, so she listened in and the rest, as they say, was history.

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