32. The Acceptance

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Valen's POV

If I were not a Guardian my father would have accepted my request to do this quietly, but because of my lineage and who I am, and the circumstances around the rejection, my father told me I must do this publicly and with all the Guardian's present.

I feel the shift in the air as all the Guardian's arrive one by one, standing before the stage, looking up at me expectantly, while everyone in the room stand in astonished awe of the powerful beings.

The sadness seeping from my ancestor can be felt throughout the room, causing a slight chill to nip at our skin.

Whispers can be heard until the whole room is filled with the sounds of murmuring Pack members, the ghostly image of my grandmother hovers firmly next to me offering me support and comfort.

Alpha Damien steps forward and asks, "What is the meaning of this Alpha Mak?"

My father ignores him and looks at me and then our goddess as he whispers in my mind, "You got this, Princess."

Taking a deep breath for courage, I opened my mouth and confidently bellow, "Tiernan, Kade McKenzie. Please step forward."

I watch as Tiernan's head drops and his shoulders slump sadly, my heart aches for him. I didn't want to do it this way trust me, but according to my father and Sebastian, a rejection from someone of the same species is bad enough as it is, but a rejection of a Guardian of the same species is worse. The disrespect must be made public...apparently everyone knows this.

Alpha Damien shouts lividly, "Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" which essentially encourages the crowd to shout in a loud and angry protest.

I'm not going to lie, my heart is beating painfully with fear, I am so nervous right now and I feel like my social anxiety is about to rear its ugly little head. 

Fucking damn it and I was doing so well, damn it!

I watch as the room fills up with more people, and realise that they are the warriors from the different species.  Catching the eye of Sebastian, he looks at me intensely and nods his head.  Then a low rumbling sound can be heard, my ancestors displeasure making itself known as she regards the occupants of the room with her angry gaze.  She settles her eyes on me her face softening, she smiles then reaches her hand out and beckons for me to continue.

"You will not interfere in the matters of Guardians, Alpha Damien." I exclaim tensely, "Tiernan, if you would please step forward." I request gently.

Tiernan nods his head then looks up into the eyes of the Moon Goddess and then he moves his eyes to watch me, he never loses contact with my eyes until he is standing right in front of me, my goddess ancestor standing a step away from my side.

"Remember what I said, Valen." he says sadly, his eyes filling with unshed tears of shame.

"I will, you remember what I said as well." I tell him with a reciprocating sad smile.

Taking a deep breath I recite the words that will start the severing of our mate bond in a tremulously watery but clear and loud voice.

"I, Valen, Ataahua Rihari of Pack Snow Wolf, accept the rejection of Tiernan, Kade McKenzie of Shadow Moon Pack and I freely relinquish all Luna ties, bonds, and responsibilities to Shadow Moon Pack."

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