14. New Years Eve Party *Unedited*

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Tiernan's POV

I'm standing with my parents at the double door entry way of the Pack's Meeting Hall as we greet our pack members as well as other surrounding packs who celebrate the New Year with us, as is tradition.

We just finished talking to the Stone family before gesturing for them to continue inside when I catch the scent of my mate. I try to inhale her scent inconspicuously, but I don't know if it's worked because my mother gives me a knowing look, I play it off and say, "Bianca is close." hoping that she takes the implication how I want her to.

An excited squeal leaves her lips and she pounces on me while jumping up and down, pulling away from me she looks over to my father and beams proudly! "Did you hear that honey! It's a good thing Bianca and Tiernan have been dating for years because they're mates!" She exclaimed excitedly

My father smiles obviously happy, but I see that there is something bothering him as the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. He then turns to greet our newest arrivals, the Stevenson's followed by Valen who is on the arm of that cocky asshole Brody Trashcock. I fucking hate this guy!

Titus grumbles in displeasure as I remember the conversation we all overheard between Valen and this fucking dick, as we were leaving the apartment.  I wanted nothing more than to just charge into that kitchen and tear his head from his shoulders when he told Valen that he wanted her to bend over him.

Titus was shouting at me to turn around and claim our mate already, but I refuse to do that.  Bianca and I had already told her brother and our other two friends that we were true mates, after I told her that I had rejected and then kissed Valen for her, she insisted that we do it and because it's Bianca and I just want to make her happy, I did it without thinking of the consequences.  If I had gone and done what Titus wanted me to do then all hell would have broken loose.  I would definitely lose my best friend and Beta, and at the end of the day, it was my selfishness that caused this.  So why should Bianca suffer her brother's wrath...because she would.

I am brought back to the present by the sound of my mother and Bianca squealing and hugging each other..."to the family. I mean I know that you and Tiernan have been together for a while, but now it's just perfect and official!" My mother beams at Storm and Bianca's parents proudly.

I catch Bianca giving Valen a smirk and Valen's slight frown of confusion, I then notice her balled hands before Brody covered her fisted hands with one of his own while he wraps his other arm around the dip of her waist. He looks down at her and smiles while she looks up smiling and leaning forward to receive his kiss.

I growl deeply in my throat, Titus hates that his mate is in the arms of someone else, "Claim our mate now! She is ours why did you reject our mate? Now we will suffer!"

My father elbows me and when I look over at him he has his eyebrow raised in question, looking between me and Valen, like he knows something. But I am certain he doesn't.

Shaking my head, "My wolf is urging me to mark and mate Bianca." I explain quietly, then I hear an angry rumble from the asshole with his hands on my mate.

"YOU FUCKING LYING ASSHOLE!" Titus screams in indignant anger, while I smile and ignore him because he doesn't know what's good for us, but I do. Bianca knows everything about pack life, she knows what is required of someone in a Leadership role, and lets not forget that we love each other.

Ignoring the questioning looks from Valen, my father and Brody, I focus on my beautiful girlfriend and her smiling face that is showing me so much love right now. I walk up to her and kiss her on the lips before asking my mom if I can be excused from greeting duty in favor of escorting my 'mate', to which my mother happily gives consent after roping in Storm as my replacement.

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