The Stupid Emergency.

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My life had taken a huge turn in past two weeks. If anyone would have told me twenty days back that I would be working for summer and be crushing on a guy who would later be my new neighbour and my colleague, I would have laughed right in their face.

Everything that was happening, was not in my plans. I had never planned to spend my short summer break of one month working.

I just had a month of summer break unlike other times because being a senior, our classes started early, before others. Our school was very particular about our academics and that is the reason why the seniors started the school ahead of others.

I had actually planned to enjoy and have real fun this summer. I had planned to sort out my messy life. I wanted to start my senior year with a bang. I wanted to be the girl that I always aspired to be. I had everything planned. I knew exactly what I wanted in my life but I still had many things I needed to sort out. I was planning on doing that.

But this summer made my life in more mess. Instead of doing the things I was supposed to, I was doing things out if the blue. That was not me. I never did things without planning. Never.

Even if had to go for shopping, I had to plan atleast a day earlier. I had to plan even for small things like doing my assignment.

This summer had turned my life upside down. I had started to do things without thinking. And by things I mean things I had never ever done in my life.

I had never planned working when I still in high school, especially never in an instrumental store.

I have never had a crush on a guy. Yeah I've had a few boyfriends till now, but never a crush. I had never invited a guy for dinner other than Alan and Brian. And now I had done all these things without planning or rather without even thinking.

The most funny yet amazing thing was, I was enjoying these new additions in my life. I was enjoying my work, I was enjoying having a different feeling in my stomach everytime I see someone. I was enjoying the changes around me. I was enjoying the changes in my mother.

Yes, in a week Patricia Lanter did something to my mother that I never could. She made my mother go out on a date after freaking ten long years.

Ever since my so-called father left us, my mother had never gone out with anyone. She had lost faith in men but yesterday, Saturday night, my mother had gone out looking pretty all beacuse Caleb's mother had set up a date for her with one of her colleagues.

Did I tell you Patricia was a doctor? Yea, the guy with whom my mom had gone out was a doctor. He was a Pediatrician, unlike Patricia who was a Gynecologist.

My mom and Patricia were now.basically best of friends. They loved hanging out. It has only been a week that they had shifted, they had been to shopping already for two times and had dinner together thrice.

When my mother returned home last night at around 11, she was grinning like a love-sick puppy and a teenager. I was sure that the guy had won her heart.

She told me that he was a real gentleman and by the looks she gave me, she liked him.

I was really happy for her. I was.

Today, was another Sunday. Finally I was getting to see Alan after a week. I had initially planned on calling him home, but then even I wanted a day out, so I told him to meet me at mall around 12 in noon.

I left around 11:30, and took a subway to the mall. I met Alan and we literally roamed around talking about things from here and there for almost two whole hours.

We were having lunch at McDonald's when he asked me suddenly

"Hows Lanter these days?"

I was kinda shocked when he asked me. I looked up at him and then replied. "Fine I guess, why?"

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