The Song.

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I missed Nora and Sandra.

I mean they're my best female friends and I miss them when they're not around  but I missed them more today. Why? Isn't it obvious? 
It was my date day with Caleb, my first official date and they were not around to dress me up.

I had to do it all by myself and I ended up in a peach sundress which ended up little above my knees and I wore flats because Caleb had told me we had to walk a lot today.

I asked a little help from Patricia with my hair and she tamed it into a perfect looking bun with few stands of curly hair falling down from the sides.

As per make-up,  I applied a little eyeliner and a mascara along with blush to make my pale face look a bit better. I was applying my lip gloss when Caleb knocked on my door to ask me if I'm ready to leave.

Few minutes later, I walked out of my room and found Caleb and Chris waiting for me. Chris as usual winked at me as I rolled my eyes and Caleb walked towards me with a smile on his face.

"Let's leave?" He asked me still holding that smile.

"Yeah, let's leave." I said nodding a little.

And with a small wave towards Chris, and Patricia who was making a call, we left the apartment.

"Chris has given me his car, I guess we don't really have to walk a lot today." Caleb informed me as we entered the parking lot.

Caleb was wearing  khaki shorts with his converse and a dark blue colored round necked tshirt,  and even with his simple attire, he sure did look quite cool.

I just smiled at him, as for the first time ever he opened up the car door for me, and I must say it sure did feel good.

"Where is our first stop?" I asked him as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Let's go to see the film city first? Then we can go to eat. And after that is a surprise. " He answered with a smirk formed on his lips.

"What surprise?" I asked him curiously.

"Will it be a surprise if I tell you? No right? So just wait for it." He answered.

"Alright." I said with a fake pout.

"By the way Brianna?" He looked at me and then back on the road, and as I turned towards him he continued, "You look good today, but I want to tell you something." He said with a small smile as he drove towards our destination.

"What is it?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"This." He said and with one look on my face, he grabbed the rubber band from my hair and took it off leaving my hair to fall down over my shoulders.

"You look better with you're hair down." He said as he kept my rubber band inside his pocket.

I didn't say anything,  I just blushed.


We roamed around in Hollywood doing nothing but silky talks and taking pictures with wierd faces. We saw few shootings taking place in that area and also few artists that I had seen in the TVs and movies but nothing really could make me feel happy like the guy who walked beside me made.

Caleb's few good words could make me blush easily, his funny comments  made me giggle like a girly kind of a person and his simple gestures like catching my hand, tugging my hair behind my ears and opening the car door for me itself  made me satisfied. He did not need to woo me with roses and romantic dinners to make me feel the love. His simple smile was enough to make me realise that he did feel something for me too.

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